Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What? Setting a foundation for mandatory vaccines?

Dirty tricks: Bill Gates to target anti-vaccine advocates with smear campaign

Friday, August 31, 2012 by: Jon Rappoport
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037020_Bill_Gates_smear_campaign_vaccination_opponents.html#ixzz25XtR6fIN

(NaturalNews) Here is the direct quote from Bill Gates' grant-award machine:

An anti-vaccine surveillance and alert system

Seth Kalichman of the http://www.uconn.edu/ in the USA will establish an Internet-based global monitoring and rapid alert system for finding, analysing, and counteracting communication campaigns containing misinformation regarding vaccines to support global immunization efforts.


This means the attack is on. Gates intends to do a surveillance operation across the Internet and locate anti-vaccine advocates. His minions will then undertake a counter-insurgency campaign to neutralize them...
The last thing they want is an honest and open debate about the issue itself. That would expose them. The truth would expose them.

Gates is obviously out to create an atmosphere and set a tone for legislation that would make vaccination mandatory everywhere, with no exemptions allowed. That's what he's shooting for....

He intends to create his very own Surveillance State, in which the targets are all Internet reporters and groups that have dug up the real facts about vaccines. The facts the medical cartel wants to hide in their vaults: vaccine deaths, paralysis, maiming, brain damage, autism, immune dysfunction...

He wants to create a chilling effect, for those who are thinking about covering the vaccine issue honestly.

Well, here's a newsflash. Those facts are already out there, on thousands and thousands of sites. The horse left the barn years ago.

He's late to the party, but he's going to throw a lot of money at the problem. Essentially, he's opting for suppression of accurate journalism. Like so many before him, once he wrangled his fortune in the free market (?), he turned around and realized he didn't want a semblance of freedom anymore. He only wanted control.

Those of us who have been writing and speaking about vaccines for years would love to go up against Gates' medical doctors in an open debate. Nothing would please us more. But Bill doesn't want that. People like him are terrified of openness. So be it.

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