Friday, September 14, 2012

Is It Possible--An Anti-Fluoride President??? LOL!!

Ventura announces possible 2016 Presidential run

September 13, 2012

"...Ventura stated that one of the main reasons he decided to throw his hat in for 2016 was because he was watching and realized something needed to be done to destroy the two-party dictatorship in America. He thought it would be a “wild affair” to be a major candidate for president and not be affiliated with any particular party, attempting to show the people of the United States that major political parties aren't a necessary prerequisite to being president and, in fact, may actually be part of the problem.

"He is an outspoken and staunch opponent of water fluoridation and recently attempted to sue the federal government and the TSA for what he calls a gross overreach of government power that has done nothing more than restrict the liberties of the American people..."

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