Wednesday, October 31, 2012

California's Prop. 37 - Label GMO - Tv Ads Lying to Voters Paid by $41million from Monsanto - Telling Voters the Prop. 37 will "ban safe food" - Pro-GMO going after Anti-GMO with lies and discrediting -- WHAT HAPPENS in CA WILL GO NATIONWIDE

Breaking News Alert! Dr. Mercola Attacked by Biotech Bullies
October 31 2012 - Dr. Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The processed food and chemical companies have paid over $40 million to hide the science experiment that is genetically engineered foods. In mailers and online ads, they've bombarded voters with lies to shut down the American's right to know what they’re eating
  • An aggressive attack on me (Dr. Mercola, the largest donator to Vote Yes on Prop. 37) was sent to millions of California voters
  • Current polls show that the Yes On 37 campaign still narrowly leads in the polls 44 percent to 42 percent. But the chemical companies that dominate our food industry are buying votes by spreading lies costing tens of millions of dollars
  • Now is the time for the final push to win the Right To Know Genetically Engineered Foods. Your donation is urgently needed
  • If you live in California, vote YES for labeling them like over 50 other countries around the world, including Russia and China, have already done. If you know anyone who lives there, please urge them to cast their vote in support of labeling

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Politics in our Food

October 23, 2012

Dear Citizen for Health,
Halloween is approaching, and with it the challenge to maintain a healthy diet for our children. It's a time of year when nearly every family relaxes its restrictions on sweets, just a little, to enable kids to enjoy trick-or-treating. In order to do so in a measured, informed fashion, parents need to know what goes into the things their children consume.

This Halloween season, do your part to prevent the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) from "tricking" you about the "treats" that contain their processed additive, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Be vigilant - until we convince the FDA that product labels should be more forthcoming and note the concentration of HFCS therein, it takes some detective work to identify the threats lurking behind the package. For some advice on how to keep Halloween healthy - relatively - check out this post from blogger, Linda Bonvie.

Don't Let "Big Corn" Do What They Want At The Expense Of Consumers
We have been serving as the consumer watchdog responsible for telling fact from fiction as the CRA persists in its attempts to mislead the public about their artificial goop, HFCS.

What you can do:
We're gathering signatures through our project Food Identify Theft for a petition to US Food and Beverage companies urging them to reject the CRA's denial of consumer reality and say "NO" to HFCS. It will be delivered to the CEOs of the nation's largest food and beverage makers, grocery retailers and chain restaurants, as well as to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Please sign the petition here.

Linda Bonvie, blogger for Food Identity Theft and long-time CFH ally, has started her own petition to food and beverage manufacturers - please take a moment to sign that here.

Lastly, even though the FDA has "accepted" (note they did not use the term "approved") the CRA's claim that fructose concentrations in the HFCS found in foods within a range of 42-55% are "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS), the FDA specifically refused to recognize the safety of products containing more than 55% fructose. Data show that HFCS concentrations in many products, such as soft drinks, can be much higher - as much as 65% - and one company markets an HFCS additive that is 90% fructose according to the Chicago Tribune.

Regardless of the specific negative health impacts of HFCS in general, such concentrations of fructose are NOT generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA and are, therefore, even more troubling than HFCS55. That's why we've submitted a petition to the FDA advocating for labels clearly stating the concentration of fructose in any food item containing HFCS. We're also asking the FDA to take action against food sellers who use unapproved formulas of HFCS.

Please take a few moments to post comments directly to the FDA in support of our petition. You can do so here. (Please mention that you are a health-conscious food consumer. Let them know that you care about what you eat and that you require accurate information to make good decisions about your diet. If you have any professional connections to the food industry - science, administration, legal, labor, ANY - let the agency know. The FDA offers tips on commenting here).

Our goal: 100,000 signatures/comments from these three petitions. We can do it - with your help.
Take advantage of our new resources for spreading the word - click on any of the links below and share far and wide! Please also forward this alert to all those you know who want to control what they put into their bodies, and forgive us for any duplication or cross-posting of information you've already received as we continue to send alerts on this in coming weeks. We are working to cast as broad a net as possible to secure our signature/comment goal.

As always, thank you for your participation.
The Citizens for Health Team

Monday, October 22, 2012

Dr. Oz Show - Are GMO foods safe?

Dr. Oz hosts a debate about genetically modified foods. Do they cause cancer? Are there benefits to going GMO-free? Hear from both sides of this controversial issue. Plus, Dr. Oz explains how genetically modified food is made.

(Sorry, won't allow being embedded - go to weblink to watch the TV show, parts 1 and 2)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Psychology Professor vs. Philosophy Professor

During the mid 1990s two fascinating papers were presented in a publication called The Journal of Consciousness Studies.

The first was titled Conversations with Zombies, by Todd C. Moody, a Philosophy professor at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. The second was a direct response written by Charles T. Tart of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, entitled Yes, We Are Zombies, But We Can Become Conscious!

Both papers embrace the notion that consciousness, or our awareness of our own awareness, could be a phenomenon independent from or non-essential to the processes of the brain and the nervous system and associated behavior that stems from it.

In other words, we as humans are capable of living most of the time in a reduced state of consciousness akin to that of a zombie; a waking sleep. Both papers argue that there is a higher form of “superconsciousness” as Moody calls it, or an “expanded consciousness state” in Tart’s words.
Moody states:
The `zombie problem’ is the problem of consciousness, stated in a particularly provocative way. Given any functional description of cognition, as detailed and complete as one can imagine, it will still make sense to suppose that there could be insentient beings that exemplify that description. That is, it is possible that there could be a behaviourally indiscernible but insentient simulacrum of a human cognizer: a zombie.
“Indeed, if conscious inessentialism is true, it is quite possible for an entire world of zombies to evolve… It is behaviours, after all, and not subjective states, that are subjected to evolutionary selection pressures. If those behaviours do not require consciousness, then evolution is indifferent to it.”
Tart notes:
“Ordinary, ‘normal’ consciousness is indeed a zombie-like state of greatly constricted and distorted, if not absent, ‘consciousness’. I have given such ordinary consciousness the technical name of ‘consensus consciousness’ in the purely descriptive sense and ‘consensus trance’ when focusing on it as a restricted state.”
While Moody concludes that we could all be zombies living only “to the power of Z”, and never fully experiencing a kind of “mystic” interaction with higher powers or God, Tart believes that it is possible to experience an “awakening”:
“I know from personal experience that there is a transient and perhaps permanent ‘awakening’ from consensus trance/consciousness, a clarification or lucidity, that is rewarding and adaptive in itself, as well as vividly illustrating the zombie-like qualities of ordinary consciousness.
People in this expanded consciousness state or process seem indeed to understand each other fairly well, even though what they communicate may sometimes seem ineffable to those in ordinary, zombie-like consciousness”
Tart argues that by focusing the mind on “the space between thoughts”, in the tradition of many Eastern enlightenment philosophies such as Sufism or Zen, one can “awaken” from this consensus trance and realise there is a greater consciousness potential:
“I have now experienced the space between thoughts many times, that I can often produce and prolong that expanded consciousness state, to various degrees, at will, and that from within that kind of `spaciousness’, it is clear that my ordinary consciousness, where I live 99+% of my life, is indeed zombie-like. Yet in this state of zombie consciousness, which is `normal’ for our civilization, I am generally considered an intelligent, articulate and successful person.
my ordinary state of consciousness is zombie-like in the general pejorative sense of the term. These zombie qualities include: (a) a greatly reduced sense of aliveness and vitality; (b) a great narrowing of perspective and perception; (c) a consuming psychological identification with some small subset of my full potential; (d) reduced intelligence stemming from this narrow perspective and identification; and (e) a selfishness, a self-centredness as compared to a more open and compassionate attention to the rest of reality.”
Tart posits that, much like when we awaken from a dream and realise that “the dream state was a quite inferior state of consciousness,” when we return from experiencing “that ‘space between thoughts’ or expanded consciousness” to our everyday state, we are able to realise that we are living a limited existence, and that we are “often suffering over ‘problems’ that [a]re not real,” problems that only exist by virtue of our constricted mental condition.

In his conclusion, Tart urges the reader to “experiment with ‘awakening’” and warns that if we do not, we are doomed to a zombie existence:
“I believe everyone has had at least fleeting moments of expanded consciousness, even if largely forgotten in the hectic rush of zombie lifeZ, and this commentary is to remind you of them and their importance. If we do not develop this wider perspective, we shall, in Moody’s terms, just have our zombie science of consciousnessZ, thoughtZ, feelingZ, hopeZ, fearZ, lifeZ and deathZ. Speaking from my occasional experiences of expanded consciousness, that would be sad indeed.”
While Moody and Tart’s theorizing on the zombie existence is fascinating and enlightening, they do not delve into great detail regarding the origins of zombie consciousness. Specifically what is it that is restricting our mind potential? Without knowing this it's difficult to understand exactly how we break our zombie programming.

Here are a few suggestions:

Food, Water, and Air - We are being bombarded with chemicals that are literally altering our brains and the way we interpret reality. Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ. Many additives and pesticides in food are toxins that shut down brain stimulation, leading to a general lack of concentration and apathy. Unlabeled GMO food has been proven to cause all manner of ailments in lab animals. No one quite knows why chemtrails are being sprayed in our skies, but the resulting heavy metals that we are breathing and that are entering the soil are directly affecting our brains.

Solutions: Eat organic, cut out fast foods, reject GMOs, educate others on the existence of chemtrail programs.

Drugs, Vaccines – Big pharmaceutical companies make money from getting us hooked on substances and medications that do not cure us from anything, but literally alter our brains. More than one quarter of U.S. children are on some form of mind-altering medication. Vaccines containing mercury based preservatives are being given to children and babies. Mercury is a deadly poison that accumulates in the brain.

Solution: Avoid anti-depressants, research natural remedies, educate others on the dangers of vaccines.

Television – TV induces a state of semi consciousness. It literally alters the state of the brain. In young children it inhibits development of social skills. See our piece on how TV is zombifying humanity.

Solutions: Turn it off! Reading and radio increase cognition and build neuron paths.

Education - Public schools promote systems of control and encourage subservience to those systems.

Solutions: Charlotte Iserbyt’s book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.

Media agendas, Propaganda placement – Perception of reality is shaped by a large extent by what you read and watch. The mainstream media is wholly owned by large corporations who have their own agendas, which do not incorporate your freedom of expression and critical thinking. The same big corporations own the large movie studios and TV companies. Propaganda placement and predictive programming is now an accepted part of programming and films.

Solution: Seek alternative media sources, expose media lies. Research predictive programming techniques and learn to recognise propaganda. Author Alan Watt has written extensively on the subject.

Bread and Circus – Everyone loves to watch the occasional football game. However, modern professional sports have become nothing more than big businesses promoting tribalism and division. They are riddled with corruption and serve only to distract from reality. When more people protest and riot over sports matters than they do over real issues, it indicates serious social zombification.

Solution: Engage in and support local sports (as opposed to national pro sports). Switch off. Refuse to pay huge amounts of money to watch major sports events.
Steve Watson is the London based writer...has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sound Flu Advice (not even alternative health care!) vs. Flu Vaccines

Thanks to Hannah Anderson for sharing her blog with us!

30 Blogs with Good Information on the Seasonal Flu

Posted on  by admin | in Nanny

As the weather begins to cool and the days start to get shorter, parents’ minds generally turn towards the upcoming flu season and the best ways to prevent illness in their household. Unfortunately, there are so many misconceptions surrounding the transmission, incubation period, best course of treatment and even vaccinations that figuring out the best course of action can be a challenge. These 30 blog entries offer information on several aspects of the seasonal flu.
What is Influenza?
The first step in treating flu symptoms or preventing them altogether is to understand what influenza is, how it’s transmitted, and what signs or symptoms typically accompany an infection. These five blog posts are all dedicated to explaining what flu is, helping readers to better understand it.
Treatment for Flu?
While there is currently no cure for influenza, there are treatments that can help to alleviate some of the symptoms. In these blog posts, various methods of minimizing your suffering during a bout with the flu are discussed.
Contagion and Incubation Periods for Flu
Understanding how to prevent the spread of flu between family members requires a basic knowledge of incubation periods and how long an infected person can transmit the flu virus to others. In the interest of providing this essential information, these bloggers attempt to clarify facts and dispel rumors surrounding influenza contagion.
Flu Vaccine Information
Though a seasonal flu shot is strongly recommended for certain groups of people, there’s quite a bit of controversy surrounding the vaccine. Information about flu vaccines is varied and often inaccurate, making it difficult for many people to determine whether or not receiving a flu shot is the right choice for them and their family members.
Preventing the Flu without Vaccination
If you’re among the people that vaccination against influenza is not recommended for, or have simply chosen not to receive a flu shot, there are still steps you can take to reduce your chances of contracting the flu virus. These five bloggers offer advice for minimizing your flu risk and helping to prevent the spread of influenza in your household.
Influenza and Possible Complications
While it often seems strange to think that people still die from what is often regarded as a minor, albeit miserable, illness, the fact is that complications from influenza do cause a significant number of deaths around the country each year. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 36,000 people will die from influenza and resulting complications. These five blog entries discuss possible complications, providing valuable information to those that may not realize just how serious the flu can be.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No more garage sales, estate sales, 2nd-hand stores, eBay, Craigslist??

Selling your own books, electronics and even furniture will soon be illegal if the Supreme Court says so
"...a federal court has already ruled in favor of these corporate copyright holders; if the Supreme Court upholds that ruling, it means the copyright holders of anything you own that's been manufactured in any other country - China, Japan, or a European country - would have to grant you permission if you ever wanted to sell it...
"The case stems from the college experience of Supap Kirtsaeng, a native of Thailand who came to the U.S. in 1997 to study at Cornell University. He discovered that his textbooks, which were produced by Wiley, were much cheaper to buy in his own country, so he encouraged his relatives there to buy the cheaper books and ship them to the U.S. Eventually he sold them on eBay and made some $1.2 million.

"Wiley, which admitted that it charged less for books sold abroad than it did in the United States, sued him for copyright infringement," said MarketWatch. "Kirtsaeng countered with the first-sale doctrine."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2 new videos - Whole Foods official admits on camera to selling GMO's, "just like everybody else does"

Whole Foods caught in GMO marketing deception, false advertising - here's the proof

Monday, October 08, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

The main article is at this link with one of the videos (at the bottom of the article) with
Libba Letton who handles investor relations with Whole Foods, and she's also in charge of food safety:
Here's the new video link of 2 investigative journalists interviewing Whole Foods customers last week, and being approached by Whole Foods executive Libba Letton:
In an on-camera interview, she admitted that Whole Foods stores do sell unlabeled GMOs, but her justification for that was that stores everywhere are selling unlabeled GMOs.

As she stated on camera (see video, below):

"Unless a store is all organic, every store in the country sells unlabeled genetically modified [foods]." - Libba Letton, Whole Foods Market Inc.
But then Libba said something that will no doubt haunt her and the entire Whole Foods executive team for years to come:

"I don't think that Whole Foods does anything to try and make people think that we don't have food with GMOs in them," she said on camera.


WHAT?? Flu vaccines proven 2 yrs. ago to be ineffective?

CBS Healthwatch journalist uncovered a totally non-biased research study on vaccines.  Here it is:

The vaccine empire has collapsed

Tuesday, October 09, 2012 by: Jon Rappoport
Learn more:
(NaturalNews) You may not have heard the explosion, but it happened.

A review from The Cochrane Collaboration, a widely respected research-analysis team, went over all the evidence, and entered its conclusion:
In healthy adults, no flu vaccine delivers protection from the flu.

It doesn't protect against transmission of flu viruses from person to person, either.

So all the promotion and all the pandering and all the scare tactics and all the "expert medical opinion" and all the media coverage...useless, worthless, and irrelevant.

Billions of dollars of financed lies about flu vaccines were just that: lies.

It gets worse, because the entire theory about how and why vaccines work is sitting on a razor's edge, ready to fall into the abyss of discarded fairy tales.

We've been told that vaccines stimulate the immune system with a "rehearsal" of what will happen when an actual disease comes down the pipeline. When the disease does show up, the immune system will be locked and loaded, ready to destroy the attacking germ.

But since flu vaccines don't protect against flu or even stop the transmission of flu viruses from person to person, the so-called "rehearsing" of the immune system is merely somebody's fancy story. A legend. A myth.
Also, you can forget about the widely sold herd-immunity tale. How can the group be immune when vaccines are doing nothing to prevent the free movement of germs from person to person?
As always, The Cochrane Collaboration did an exhaustive review of all previous studies on flu vaccines they could discover. They rejected the studies that were badly constructed. In some cases, to expand available data, they contacted individual researchers who had conducted studies.
Therefore, Cochrane's findings represent the best of the published literature on flu vaccines. However, because the Cochrane team owes nothing to pharmaceutical companies, they analyzed the literature with sober eyes and minds.

Here is an interesting comment from the analysis: "The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions..."
Now who in the world would benefit from such manipulating?

Oh yes. One other thing.

The Cochrane review, published by John Wiley and Sons, appeared online on July 7, 2010.
Over two years ago.

We must have missed the massive mainstream media coverage. Perhaps we were fishing that day, or buying tires for the car, or vacationing on our yachts in the Mediterranean.

What? There was no massive media coverage? Impossible. I mean, surely...

Sources: (registration required)

Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

Yes, why IS there a double standard?? Politicians eat organic while promoting GMOs for the rest of us!!

Why Do Supporters of Genetically Engineered Foods Insist on Organics for Their Own Families?

October 09 2012, Dr. Mercola  (points mentioned in the below story summary, plus many more, Dr. Mercla has documented in the complete article)

Story at-a-glance

  • Many political supporters of genetically engineered (GE) foods are feasting on organics, while promoting unlabeled GE foods for everyone else, including Mitt Romney, President Obama, and former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
  • At present, the race is neck-to-neck between Romney and Obama in terms of not doing anything to protect or promote safer, more healthful organic foods for average Americans. Instead, both of them, while on organic diets themselves, promote untested GE foods for the masses.
  • According to a former White House executive chef, Laura Bush was “adamant that in ALL CASES, if an organic product was available it was to be used in place of a non-organic product,” and Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann, has publicly credited a combination of organic foods and holistic medicine for turning her health around after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998
  • In a 2008 interview, Michelle Obama is quoted as saying: “ start reading the labels and you realize there’s high-fructose corn syrup in everything... Everything that’s in a bottle or a package is like poison in a way that most people don’t even know...”
  • While the Obama’s appear well-informed about the health dangers of processed foods in general and genetically engineered foods specifically, their personal belief system has not filtered into the food policies that affect the rest of the population. On the contrary, the President has appointed a number of former Monsanto employees into key federal positions that wield near-absolute power over agricultural issues, while ignoring his pre-election promise to “immediately” label genetically engineered foods once elected into office
  • We have no real champions for food safety and labeling of genetically engineered foods within the federal government. But right now we do have a great opportunity to change this situation by circumventing the federal system entirely and supporting California’s Proposition 37 to label GE foods. This CA law would have a national effect 
  • Mrs. Obama's efforts to promote organic foods, which included a much publicized White House organic garden, were also quickly tempered and toned down by a personal visit from The Mid America CropLife Association, an agribusiness media group, who "urged the first lady to give conventional agriculture equal time," according to a 2009 Politico article.9
  • About 27 former Monsanto officials/employees now work for Uncle Sam, i.e., Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton worked for the Rose Law Firm, which is the official law firm for Monsanto; former Monsanto VP for Public Policy, Michael Taylor, is now senior advisor for the FDA on food safety; former Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack, used Monsanto private jets during his terms as governor and is now Secretary of Agriculture; director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture is Roger Beachy, a former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center; General Counsel for the USDA is Ramona Romero, who came straight from DuPont, another major biotech company with GE crop patents -- What is wrong with this overall picture? 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Whole Foods Hidden Camera GMO Sting - Organic Spies - CENSORED by YouTube -

Whole Foods Hidden Camera GMO Sting - Organic Spies - CENSORED by YouTube -

Video interview with Dr. Mercola & Dr. Davis

Dr. Davis truly has an impressive background, which only adds to the authority of what she has to say... one of her accomplishments was acting as the founding director at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, on the Board of Environmental Studies and Toxicology, which is the board that reviewed studies and data on such things as, "Is passive smoke harmful for you?," or "Is asbestos in the environment a bad thing?"

Imagine her surprise when she started to dig deeper into the issue In 2004, just as cell phone technology was beginning to take off, even Dr. Davis assumed they were safe: "When I worked at the academy, we brought together groups to evaluate whether or not we had enough evidence to say X, Y, or Z. Having been in that position where I would convene expert scientists around the world, I thought I knew. If there was a problem, I would know about it. And I figured that cellphones had to be safe. At that time, I owned three of them."
"...the cellphone itself has always been assumed to be safe," Dr. Davis said. "I assumed it was safe. And I assumed that if there was a problem, I'd know about it, because after all, I worked with the best scientists in the world, and we were all using these devices. Well, I was really shocked when I started to look into it. I looked into it because I understood the history of tobacco and asbestos, and I had been part of that history."
Dr. Davis continues:
"Adam Yauch, formerly 'MCA' of the Beastie Boys, died of a malignant parotid gland tumor of his left cheek. I believe he was left-handed. We need to find that out. But if he was, then the cellphones and wireless devices that he used all the time in his music business could explain this. Because the average case of a parotid gland tumor is diagnosed in their late 50s; he [was diagnosed at age 43 or 44].  In Israel, one in five cases now is under the age of 20. This is a very rare tumor, but it is occurring in young people. That is why the Israeli government has issued warnings about children using cellphones. The Israeli Dental Association has issued a warning as well, because of the dramatic increase in a very rare and malignant tumor of the cheek."
  • A cell phone is a two-way microwave-radiating device that has been associated with brain tumors and salivary gland tumors, weakened sperm production and cell membranes, hearing loss and tinnitus, among other issues
  • Adults should not keep a cell phone in a pocket or on the body, and should use an air-tube headset or the speakerphone feature as much as possible, remembering that ‘distance is your friend.’

Video interview with Dr. Mercola & Dr. Palevsky

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky is a board-certified pediatrician...He is one of the leading pediatricians in the United States that advocates a more conservative approach to using vaccines.

This video is a collection of video clips and amateur footage from the protests in Spain. The violence of the state against its own people is on full display. Narrated by Judge Andrew Napolitano with Spanish subtitles.

Foreclosures, 2007 - July 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

High Fructose Corn Syrup Deception

October 2, 2012

Don't Let "Big Corn" Do What They Want At The Expense Of Consumers

Last week we emailed you about our petition to food and beverage manufacturers, alerting them about the Corn Refiners Association's (CRA's) attempt to mislead them about consumers' real feelings regarding high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The CRA's message: “96% of consumers aren't avoiding HFCS.”
We know, as do you, that this simply isn't true. The more consumers learn about HFCS the less they want it in their food, which is why this is just one element of our campaign to ensure that consumers have the truthful, meaningful information they need to make informed decisions about what they put into their bodies.

Food Identify Theft, the CFH project that alerts consumers about misleading food and beverage packaging and deceptive advertising, is gathering signatures for a separate petition to US Food and Beverage companies urging them to say "NO" to HFCS. It will be delivered to the CEOs of the nation's largest food and beverage makers, grocery retailers and chain restaurants, as well as to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Please sign the petition here.
Lastly, while the FDA has "accepted" the CRA's claim that fructose concentrations in the HFCS found in foods within a range of 42-55% fructose are "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS), the FDA specifically refused to recognize the safety of products containing more than 55% fructose. Data show that HFCS concentrations in many products, such as soft drinks, can be much higher - as much as 65% - one company markets an HFCS additive that is 90% fructose according to the Chicago Tribune.
Regardless of the specific negative health impacts of HFCS in general, such concentrations of fructose are NOT generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA and are, therefore, even more troubling than HFCS55. That's why we've submitted a petition to the FDA urging the agency to require a label clearly stating the concentration of fructose in any food item containing HFCS. We're also asking the FDA to take action against food sellers who use unapproved formulas of HFCS.
Please take a few moments to post comments directly to the FDA in support of our petition. You can do so here. (Note that you are a health-conscious food consumer. Let them know that you care about what you eat and that you require accurate information to make good decisions about your diet. If you have any professional connections to the food industry - science, administration, legal, labor, ANY - let the agency know. The FDA offers tips on commenting here).
Our goal: 100,000 signatures/comments from these three petitions. We can do it - with your help.
Please forward this alert to all those you know who want to control what they put into their bodies, and forgive us for any duplication or cross-posting of information you've already received as we continue to send alerts on this in coming weeks. We are working to cast as broad a net as possible to secure our signature/comment goal.
As always, thank you for your participation.

The Citizens for Health Team

Follow the Money!!

Obesity Epidemic Not Due to High Fructose Corn Syrup?
October 03 2012
Dr. Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The new report, published in the International Journal of Obesity, says there is no evidence to suggest that the U.S. obesity epidemic can be blamed on HFCS consumption.
  • The authors reviewed existing HFCS research and claim there are no short-term health differences (such as weight gain, appetite, insulin or glucose levels) between the use of HFCS and sugar, noting that both are similar in composition and absorbed identically in the GI tract.
  • In reality, while both sugar and HFCS contain similar amounts of fructose, the fructose is metabolized differently. Also, fructose is treated very different than glucose in your body, and this is what makes it more likely to lead to obesity and obesity-related diseases.
  • The study’s authors were funded by, or have links to, the corn industry and food companies like Conagra, Corn Refiners Association, and Pepsico -- a glaring conflict of interest, indicating the likelihood an industry-favoring bias was present when the study was conducted.

Good to have on hand during "flu" season and what they do!

The 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals that destroy superbugs and just about everything else

Tuesday, April 10, 2012 by: JB Bardot

Learn more:

  • Garlic
  • Echinacea
  • Colloidal Silver
  • Pau D'Arco
  • Manuka Honey
Sources for this article include:
University of North Carolina at Wilmington Graduate Fellows Program; "Bubonic Plague: Yesterday's Scourge--and Tomorrow's?"; Tina Blue; December 2000

Carson-Newman College: The Black Plague: The Least You Need to Know

University of Maryland Medical Center: Garlic

University of Connecticut: Garlic

Ethiopian Medical Journal, vol. 40(3); D. Dikasso; July 2002: Investigation on the antibacterial properties of garlic (Allium sativum) on pneumonia causing bacteria.

University of Maryland Medical Center: MRSA--Treatment

University of Maryland Medical Center: Echinacea

University of Maryland Medical Center: Cellulitis

Huntington College of Health Sciences: MRSA--Natural Methods for Prevention

FDA -- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Over-the-Counter Drug Products Containing Colloidal Silver
Ingredients or Silver Salts

Colloidal Silver: The Undisputed Cure for MRSA and Other Deadly Super-Pathogens


Silver Medicine: Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. -- Silver Ions and Electromedicine Pau d'Arco Benefits

University of Colorado at Denver: Pau D'Arco

The Australian Hone, I killed the superbug

"Flu Season" is back - Hype vs. Truth?

Influenza Deaths: The Hype vs. the Evidence
October 03 2012
Dr. Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • State health department officials are increasingly joining with medical trade association lobbyists in many states to severely restrict or eliminate medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions for all children. In Connecticut and New Jersey, mandates are already in place that force parents to give their six-month-old babies flu vaccine or be banned from daycare
  • The CDC has been telling the public for nearly a decade that an estimated 36,000 people die from influenza in the U.S. every year. This number is grossly inaccurate as it includes not just influenza death cases, but also other respiratory, circulatory, cardiac and pulmonary deaths that potentially might have been associated with influenza
  • A review of Vital Statistics data shows that since 1940, the highest number of influenza deaths recorded in a single year was 21,047 deaths in 1941. In fact, the mortality rate from influenza was not rising in the late 20th century – as the CDC has alleged. It was dropping.
  • There were only between 600 and 750 influenza deaths recorded annually between 1995 and 1997. The most influenza deaths recorded in a single year since 1979 was about 2,900 deaths and that was in 2009, the H1N1 swine flu pandemic year (with reported deaths coming from those who'd been vaccinated)! Yet CDC policymakers, along with drug company and medical trade association lobbyists have continuously been using inflated influenza hospitalization and mortality estimates to justify expanding the influenza vaccine market
  • CDC does not require states to report individual seasonal flu cases or deaths of people older than 18 years of age. The CDC is not collecting the information they need to accurately assess influenza morbidity and mortality in the U.S.

How to Detox from GMOs

Rid the body of dangerous Bt-toxin found in genetically modified food with these tips

Wednesday, October 03, 2012
by: Carolanne Wright
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(NaturalNews) Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are everywhere. Even when we make our best effort to eat organically, a GMO will slip through here and there -- we eat out or cheat with a few conventional corn chips. Usually the body can handle a few mishaps every once in a while, but shocking information about the Bt-toxin found in genetically engineered crops has scientists (and consumers) worried. This toxin has the potential to turn our intestinal system into a literal 'pesticide factory' -- even after we stop consuming GM foods. Fortunately, simple and natural remedies provide a powerful solution to this alarming state of affairs.

Frankenfoods harbor dangerous bacteria that jeopardize the health of humanity and wildlife

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is naturally found in the soil and has been used as an insecticide for years. Farmers spray their crops with the bacteria, insects eat it and their stomachs subsequently break open. Monsanto decided it would be profitable to splice a gene of Bt with corn, soybeans and cotton -- creating plants that were rife with the bacteria not just on the surface but within the cell wall. Monsanto and the Environmental Protection Agency claimed the toxin would be destroyed within the digestive tract of mammals and magically disappear. Guess what? The physicians at Sherbrooke University Hospital in Quebec, Canada discovered Bt-toxin in 93 percent of 30 pregnant women, 80 percent of umbilical cord blood of their babies and 67 percent of 39 women who were not pregnant. Considering Bt-toxin is linked with cancer, autism, severe food allergies and autoimmune disease, these findings are downright frightening.

Even when Bt is sprayed, adverse reactions arise. 500 people in Washington state and Vancouver reported flu-like and allergic symptoms when exposed to the spray. Thousands of farm workers in India had similar symptoms after handling genetically modified Bt cotton. And a small village lost an entire herd of buffalo along with many of their sheep and goats who consumed Bt cotton and died soon after.

Living pesticide factories

The researchers of the Quebec study speculate that the source of Bt-toxin found in the blood samples came from the standard middle class diet, including animals who are fed Bt corn. Jeffrey M. Smith, executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, suspects the rise in Bt levels is due to another reason: colonies of the bacteria are replicating within the intestines, long after the GM food was ingested. If this hypothesis is correct, according to Smith, "...we might see an increase in gastrointestinal problems, autoimmune diseases, food allergies, and childhood learning disorders - since 1996 when Bt crops came on the market. Physicians have told me that they indeed are seeing such an increase." The question is -- how do we protect ourselves from Bt-toxin and rid ourselves of it once exposed?

- Adopt a 100 percent GMO-free, organic diet

- Use reliable water purification like reverse osmosis that remove contaminants like pesticides

- Adhere to anti-candida principles which balance good flora within the digestive system

- Try 'herbal antibiotics' like olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, cat's claw, garlic and colloidal silver to target harmful pathogens

- Consume probiotic-rich foods such as non-pasteurized kimchi and sauerkraut, yogurt and kefir

- Ingest plenty of fiber to push dangerous organisms out of the system

- Avoid sugar and processed food as both are fuel for harmful bacteria in the gut

GMOs have been shown, beyond a doubt, to destroy health in humans and animals alike. Boycott genetically modified food, detoxify and spread the word about the dangers before it is too late.

Sources for this article include:

"Dangerous Toxins from Genetically Modified Plants Found in Women and Fetuses" Jeffrey Smith, Institute for Responsible Technology, May 25, 2011. Retrieved on September 24, 2012 from:

"Bt Crop Failures & Hazards" Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghji, Institute of Science in Society, December 14, 2011. Retrieved on September 24, 2012 from:

"Natural Antibiotic Remedies" Earth Clinic. Retrieved on September 24, 2012 from:

"The 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-vitals that destroy superbugs and just about everything else" JB Bardot, Natural News, April 10, 2012. Retrieved on September 24, 2012 from:

GMO updates

While all eyes are on California's Prop. 37 for labeling GMO foods and food ingredients used in foods, here's Monsanto branching out into another area that won't be under the label laws!

Monsanto enters pharmaceutical business, acquires key 'gene silencing' technology for use in humans -- Monsanto wants to turn food crops into gene-altering 'drugs'

(NaturalNews) The Monsanto company has forged a new partnership with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company whose primary focus seems to be on figuring out how to best crack the genetic code so as to manipulate the way genes inherently express themselves. And based on the agreement the two companies have made publicly with one another, it appears as though Monsanto is planning to utilize Alnylam's proprietary gene-silencing technologies in its emerging agricultural pursuits, which will likely spawn a whole new category of problems for humanity and the planet at large...
...Monsanto could theoretically produce a GM wheat variety that does not contain any gluten at all, which they could then market as the solution to gluten insensitivity.

Modifying food crops with RNA interference (RNAi) is unsafe, unpredictable... But such experimental gene-tampering is already taking place elsewhere, and it is proving to be a complete failure. In Australia, for instance, field trials of a novel variety of GM wheat with RNAi alterations have been disastrous, as the modified gene expressions in the wheat are also modifying human genes in the liver. Researchers are now warning that human children who eat this GM wheat could actually die before reaching the age of five. (

A paper compiled by Greenpeace about the same strains of RNAi-modified wheat explain that RNAi modifications in general "are prone to unexpected and unpredictable effects that have not been considered in the risk assessments done by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator." The paper goes on to explain that releasing RNAi-modified crops "poses severe, and potentially irreversible, risks to the environment and human and animal health."

You can read the full Greenpeace paper here:

Many foods contain natural gene regulators, and modifying them could change the entire human genome

Researchers from Nanjing University in China recently conducted an unrelated study that found gene-altering properties in regular, non-GMO rice. It turns out that certain plant-based foods, or perhaps all of them, contain unique properties that naturally turn genes on or off throughout the body when ingested, depending on these foods' various nutritive functions. (

Synthetically altering these functions in the form of RNAi-modified GM crops, in other words, could result in disastrous consequences as the entire human genome is thrown off balance. As Ari Levaux from The Atlantic puts it, the discovery of food's natural gene-altering capacities illustrates how GM foods, and particularly those that have been RNAi-modified, "could influence human health in previously unanticipated ways."

In other words, Monsanto's latest endeavors involve tampering with plants at their most elemental level, which will in turn tamper with humans at their most elemental level as well. Sure, Monsanto has been inserting, removing, and splicing the genes of plants for decades; but RNAi modifications involve essentially reprogramming the way plants express their genes, which is uncharted territory as far as the consequences to the environment and humanity are concerned.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

DSHEA being threatened again! Google blocked diet supplement websites in August!

Educate Congress: Stop Attacking Supplements!

[Contact Your Representative: Click Here.]
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Tiny URL for this Action Item:

FDA Seeking to Ban More Vitamins!
Congress Poised to Pass Anti-Vitamin Clause!
September 24, 2012: Another Version of Vitamin B6 under Attack.
"Now, the FDA is poised to pull another B6 product: P5P. You see, the human body must convert B6 to P5P to make it usable  within the body. Fortunately, some supplement companies have created P5P and it is currently available as a natural supplement. But, another  pharmaceutical giant has petitioned the FDA to “protect its interests”." -- Elizabeth Renter
October 1, 2012: Rep Waxman Sneaks Anti-Vitamin Clause into House Finance Bill!
This in an email just received, "The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), recently passed in the House of Representatives, includes language going far beyond finance inserted by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA). This language could be used for an end run around the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the legislation that governs dietary supplement regulation by the FDA... The Senate Wall St “reform” bill, the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (S. 3217), doesn’t contain the Waxman provision yet. But we know that Senator Rockefeller (D-WV) may offer an amendment including Waxman’s language. Please help us stop this. Please take action now to help us maintain access to low cost, high quality supplements. Tell your senators not to support any amendments that give FTC unchecked power to over-regulate areas they don’t understand, including dietary supplements."

8.17.2012: (NaturalNews) "If you have ever done any sort of comparison shopping online, chances are you have probably used Google's Shopping portal to pull up product information and compare prices. But if you live in the U.S. and try to use Google Shopping to buy vitamins, supplements, personal care products, and even many health foods, your search queries will now turn up blank, as Google has apparently blocked access to all vitamins and natural products for American customers."
Learn more:
Click Here to Send Messages to GOOGLE and to Your Reps!

H. R. 3380
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act concerning safe dietary ingredients in dietary supplements. [Changes the "grandfathering date" from 1994 to 2007, protecting additional nutrients.]

H. R. 2044

To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act concerning claims about the effects of foods and dietary supplements on health-related conditions and disease, and for other purposes.
... In General- The Federal Government may not take any action to prevent use of a claim describing any nutrient in a food or dietary supplement (as such terms are defined in section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321)) as mitigating, treating, or preventing any disease, disease symptom, or health-related condition, unless a Federal court in a final order following a trial on the merits finds clear and convincing evidence based on qualified expert opinion and published peer-reviewed scientific research that--
      (1) the claim is false and misleading in a material respect; and
      (2) there is no less speech restrictive alternative to claim suppression, such as use of disclaimers or qualifications, that can render the claim non-misleading...

Action Item: Click Here.

H. R. 2045

To amend the Federal Trade Commission Act concerning the burden of proof in false advertising cases involving dietary supplements and dietary ingredients.
...EXEMPTIONS FROM REGULATION AS ADVERTISING- No content of any publication shall be considered advertising regulated under this Act unless the content is intended by the seller of a product to promote the sale of that product and the content includes--
        `(A) the name of the product offered for sale;
        `(B) an express offer to sell the named product; and
        `(C) a purchase price for the product.
      No content excerpted in whole or part from a peer-reviewed scientific publication shall be considered advertising regulated under this Act.
      `(3) NO IMPLIED CLAIMS- In any investigation commenced by the Commission and in any adjudicative proceeding in which the Commission is a party, the Commission shall not attribute to an advertiser accused of false advertisement any advertising statement not actually made by that advertiser.
      `(4) NOTICE, OPPORTUNITY TO CURE, AND BURDEN OF PROOF FOR INVESTIGATION- Before the Commission authorizes an investigation of false advertisement by an advertiser of a dietary supplement or a dietary ingredient, the Commission shall send the advertiser a written `Notice of Suspected Violation and Opportunity to Cure' informing the advertiser ...

... (5) BURDEN OF PROOF FOR FALSE ADVERTISEMENT CASES- In every proceeding before a court or the Commission in which an advertiser of a dietary supplement or a dietary ingredient is charged with false advertising, the burden of proof shall be on the Commission to establish by clear and convincing evidence that the advertisement is false, that the advertisement actually caused consumers to be misled into believing to be true that which is false, and that but for the false advertising content the consumer would not have made the purchase at the price paid. If a claimed health benefit of a dietary supplement or dietary ingredient is alleged to be false advertising, the Commission must additionally establish based on expert scientific opinion and published peer-reviewed scientific evidence that the claim is false. No order adverse to the advertiser shall be entered except upon the Commission satisfying this burden of proof.'...

H. R. 2908
To protect the First Amendment rights of individuals to share their experiences and perceptions of the effects of foods and dietary supplements.
...Dissemination of Testimonials- Notwithstanding the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.), the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.), and any other provision of law--
      (1) no Federal official or employee may restrict dissemination of a testimonial containing a consumer's actual perception of the mitigative, preventive, or curative properties of any food or dietary supplement based on the consumer's experience with that food or dietary supplement; and
      (2) if a person disseminating a testimonial reasonably believes that the dissemination is covered by paragraph (1), such dissemination shall not constitute a violation of any Federal law...