Monday, September 17, 2012 12:26 PM

September 17, 2012
Dear Citizen for Health,
You Have The Right To Know What's In Your Food!
For the past 20 years, Americans have been denied their right to know what’s in their food. On November 6th, 2012, that’s going to change in California!
As a Citizen for Health, you're probably already aware of the watershed moment in health freedom swiftly approaching. On November 6, citizens of California will go to the polls and decide whether or not they want to know when they're consuming genetically engineered (GE) foods or foods containing genetically modified (GM) ingredients.
We at CFH firmly believe that the truthful labeling of GMOs and GE food is a seminal issue in the campaign for health freedom and consumer choice. That's why we are undertaking a campaign of updates and alerts between now and November 6 to guarantee a strong showing of committed, informed voters to vote "YES" on Prop 37, the California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act. We are also working to ensure the rest of the country shows their solidarity behind the labeling of GE and GM foods.
Folks in the Washington state area have a special opportunity to learn about the dangers of GM and GE food from Jeffrey Smith, the consumer advocate and author of Seeds of Deception, as well as his new book and movie, Genetic Roulette. Mr. Smith will be giving presentations today at Skagit Valley College on San Juan Island at 7 p.m.; at the Lopez Center for Community and the Arts, on Lopez Island on Sept. 18 at 7 p.m.; and at the Oddfellows Hall on Orcas Island on Sept. 19 at 6:30 p.m.
This week only you can view Mr. Smith's "Genetic Roulette" for free online. It's available from September 15-22 at
Citizens for Health has advocated for your Right to Know, and for clear, non-misleading labeling of foods and beverages since the 1990s, and we're proud to be allied withYes on Prop 37, California Right to Know in the effort to turn out Californians on November 6 to vote "YES".
Join us! - Take a moment to add your name to our petition now!
Please forward this alert to anyone you know who wants to be informed about what they put into their bodies - and, as always, thank you for your participation.
Please forward this alert to anyone you know who wants to be informed about what they put into their bodies - and, as always, thank you for your participation.
The Citizens for Health Team

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