Wednesday, October 31, 2012

California's Prop. 37 - Label GMO - Tv Ads Lying to Voters Paid by $41million from Monsanto - Telling Voters the Prop. 37 will "ban safe food" - Pro-GMO going after Anti-GMO with lies and discrediting -- WHAT HAPPENS in CA WILL GO NATIONWIDE

Breaking News Alert! Dr. Mercola Attacked by Biotech Bullies
October 31 2012 - Dr. Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The processed food and chemical companies have paid over $40 million to hide the science experiment that is genetically engineered foods. In mailers and online ads, they've bombarded voters with lies to shut down the American's right to know what they’re eating
  • An aggressive attack on me (Dr. Mercola, the largest donator to Vote Yes on Prop. 37) was sent to millions of California voters
  • Current polls show that the Yes On 37 campaign still narrowly leads in the polls 44 percent to 42 percent. But the chemical companies that dominate our food industry are buying votes by spreading lies costing tens of millions of dollars
  • Now is the time for the final push to win the Right To Know Genetically Engineered Foods. Your donation is urgently needed
  • If you live in California, vote YES for labeling them like over 50 other countries around the world, including Russia and China, have already done. If you know anyone who lives there, please urge them to cast their vote in support of labeling

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