Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Vaccine Updates from Dr. Mercola, MD/DO

Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness     
September 18 2012

Story at-a-glance

  • Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who hadn't received a flu shot
  • While the initial findings were largely discounted, new research confirms the link between the flu vaccination and an increased risk of more serious bouts of pandemic illness
  • There are major differences between naturally-acquired immunity and vaccine-induced immunity. With vaccination, you are creating an antibody, but as recent research has confirmed, unvaccinated children naturally build up more antibodies against a wider variety of flu virus strains than vaccinated children
  • Vaccines are never 100 percent protective because they provide only temporary, typically inferior immunity compared to that your body would receive from naturally contracting and recovering from a disease  

The Latest Sneak Attacks in a Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions  (plus videos)
 September 18 2012   


Story at-a-glance

  • An article in the latest newsletter from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) berates vaccine exemption options and parents who use personal belief exemptions to opt-out of vaccines for their children, inciting parents to support the elimination of vaccine exemptions
  • Across the US, people are fighting for their right not to be injected with vaccines against their will, as vaccine exemptions are under constant attack. The Gates Foundation is even funding surveillance of anti-vaccine groups, aimed at “finding, analyzing and counteracting misinformation communication campaigns regarding vaccines to support global immunization efforts” Seth C. Kalichman, professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut recently received a $100,000 grant to establish an Anti-Vaccine Surveillance and Alert System.  The intention is to "establish an internet-based global monitoring and rapid alert system for finding, analyzing, and counteracting misinformation communication campaigns regarding vaccines to support global immunization efforts," GreenMedInfo.com report.  My strong guess is that some of the best sources for truthful information like NVIC.org and this web site have already been targeted by the Gates Foundation.
In light of that, it's not surprising that vaccine groups are trying to turn citizens against each other in an effort to squelch opposition and free will on this matter.
  • While recent outbreaks of pertussis, measles, and mumps have officially been blamed on those who are unvaccinated, published studies into the outbreaks have confirmed that the vast majority of those affected were vaccinated, and place the blame on ineffective vaccines – NOT insufficient vaccination rates
  • The differences between naturally-acquired and vaccine-induced immunity are explained, along with details of why the concept of vaccine-induced herd immunity is seriously flawed

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