Monsanto changing strategies from California's Prop 37 to Washington State's own Initiative 522 - How? - With money, lots of money, to buy "friendly" spokepersons - getting caught in the act -- truth always leaks out, no matter how long it takes
Biotech Industry Ups Propaganda Efforts with Undercover Ambassadors?
February 17, 2013

Story at-a-glance
- The biotech industry, led by Monsanto, is increasing their propaganda efforts to reshape their public image, and sway your opinion against the need to label genetically engineered foods
- Part of this makeover program appears to be the recruitment of seemingly independent “ambassadors” to covertly lobby the GE agenda. The appearance of being an independent voice is imperative for the role to be effective
- One such “covert” agent appears to be Mark Lynas, an environmentalist and writer, who claims to have “converted” to a pro-GE stance after he “discovered science.” His claims of being a mastermind of the anti-GE movement before he changed his mind, has been vehemently rebuffed by veterans in the movement, who don’t recall him being involved in any meaningful way
- The fight for GMO labeling has now moved to the state of Washington, where the people's initiative 522, "The People's Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act," will require food sold in retail outlets to be labeled if it contains genetically engineered ingredients
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