Thursday, February 21, 2013

FTC now demanding double-blind testing on nutritional supplements--the same used for drugs--if the FTC gets away with this illegal maneuver, that is the FDA's requirement for drugs, not food which is what dietary supplements are, the FTC will wipe out the dietary supplement industry -- Check out Utah's Rep. Chaffetz's new bill, HR 1364 - it doesn't address the FTC double-blind study, but changes the FDA's regs against peer reviewed science being allowed by dietary supplement industry's marketing

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Threatens Your First Amendment Rights and Attempts to Censor Paleo Blogger
February 19, 2013

Story at-a-glance

  • An attorney of the Alliance for Natural Health discusses how organizations such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), formerly known as American Dietetic Association (ADA), are threatening your freedom of choice about your health and nutrition
  • The North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition launched an attack on a blog featuring nutritional principles of the Paleo Diet, accusing the blogger of providing nutritional counseling without a license; in response, he filed a lawsuit against the board for violating his first amendment rights
  • The AND seeks to monopolize the market by “eliminating the competition,” using volunteers to quietly pass state legislation that silences anyone daring to go against their nutritional recommendations, which are largely designed to support the junk food and pharmaceutical industries
  • FDA works in collusion with AND to limit your access to truthful health information, and the most recent target has been the nutritional supplement industry
  • Congressman Chaffetz has introduced H.R. 1364, the Free Speech About Science Act (FSAS), a bill that would alter FDA regulations to enable supplement companies to cite peer reviewed science, making it easier for you to gain access to information important to your health 

You Can Help Fight for Your First Amendment Rights

There are steps you can take to protect free speech and your right to natural health information, including nutritional supplements.
  1. Go to the Alliance for Natural Health and click on the "Campaigns" tab to find out what campaigns are currently active. Click on the "Take Action" tab to find out where the AND is active (at the state level) and where you can help. The action steps depend on the particular state. The site will help you contact the appropriate legislative representative so that you can urge them to not support certain bills.
  2. Also visit Really Eat Right, which tracks the actions of the AND. The site exposes AND's funding of pharmaceutical and junk food industries, as well as concerns about advice you may get from a registered dietitian.
  3. Support H.R. 1364, the Free Speech About Science Act. You can do this by going to this page on the Alliance for Natural Health website, which includes a quick way to send your message to Congress. 

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