Obamacare to soon cost the average American family $20,000 a year, announces IRS
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com |
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038905_Obamacare_health_insurance_mandate.html#ixzz2JfTydvR3
"...So now the truth comes out. Obamacare is a total scam, a complete rip-off, a massive handout to Big Pharma and a disaster to the U.S. wage earner. Obamacare is going to bankrupt America. Every family, small business owner, and corporations is going to be financially suffocated under this burden...
Obamacare was always designed, from the very start, to loot the American taxpayer and put government in a position of monopolistic power over your health care decisions. This is the move toward fascism that's going to absolutely gut America and put millions of people on the street, homeless, jobless and diseased..."
10 solutions for real health care in America
You want a real health care solution? Here are 10 commonsense points:
1) Arrest all Big Pharma CEOs and top executives who have been involved in felony crimes, price fixing, doctor bribery, experiments on children and so on.
2) Outlaw vaccines additives such as mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde.
3) Decriminalize natural medicine and stop prosecuting alternative cancer doctors.
4) Abolish the FDA and end the drug monopoly cartel. Restore the free market to medicine.
5) Halt all Medicare and Medicaid payments to drug companies, hospitals and health insurance companies. Instead, issue patients VOUCHERS that they can spend in any way they wish, to receive whatever form of care works for them. This would restore the free market to medicine, where competition would drive down prices and spur improved patient outcomes.
6) End all intellectual property claims on genes and medicines. Break Big Pharma's insidious cycle of inventing fictitious diseases and then marketing those fake diseases in order to sell deadly chemicals to a gullible public. Medicine belongs in the public domain, not in the hands of the greedy few.
7) Break the chain of influence between drug companies and medical journals, medical schools and the media. Outlaw drug money influence over all these institutions. Prosecute doctors for bribery if they have accepted money, gifts or free vacations from Big Pharma.
8) Decriminalize free speech about nutritional supplements, herbal remedies and natural therapies. Allow makers of natural products to tell the truth about the healing benefits of their products.
9) Encourage states to pass "medical freedom zone" laws that nullify federal laws concerning health care in their particular states. Openly allow the practice of alternative cancer therapies, nutritional therapies, etc. Turn your state into a medical tourism destination for all Americans!
10) End the artificial legal protections of Big Pharma and the vaccine industry. Restore due process rights to patients who have been harmed by drugs or vaccines. Only through this will drug companies clean up their act and stop killing to many people.
1) Arrest all Big Pharma CEOs and top executives who have been involved in felony crimes, price fixing, doctor bribery, experiments on children and so on.
2) Outlaw vaccines additives such as mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde.
3) Decriminalize natural medicine and stop prosecuting alternative cancer doctors.
4) Abolish the FDA and end the drug monopoly cartel. Restore the free market to medicine.
5) Halt all Medicare and Medicaid payments to drug companies, hospitals and health insurance companies. Instead, issue patients VOUCHERS that they can spend in any way they wish, to receive whatever form of care works for them. This would restore the free market to medicine, where competition would drive down prices and spur improved patient outcomes.
6) End all intellectual property claims on genes and medicines. Break Big Pharma's insidious cycle of inventing fictitious diseases and then marketing those fake diseases in order to sell deadly chemicals to a gullible public. Medicine belongs in the public domain, not in the hands of the greedy few.
7) Break the chain of influence between drug companies and medical journals, medical schools and the media. Outlaw drug money influence over all these institutions. Prosecute doctors for bribery if they have accepted money, gifts or free vacations from Big Pharma.
8) Decriminalize free speech about nutritional supplements, herbal remedies and natural therapies. Allow makers of natural products to tell the truth about the healing benefits of their products.
9) Encourage states to pass "medical freedom zone" laws that nullify federal laws concerning health care in their particular states. Openly allow the practice of alternative cancer therapies, nutritional therapies, etc. Turn your state into a medical tourism destination for all Americans!
10) End the artificial legal protections of Big Pharma and the vaccine industry. Restore due process rights to patients who have been harmed by drugs or vaccines. Only through this will drug companies clean up their act and stop killing to many people.

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