Bees Dying by the Millions
July 23, 2013 Canadian beekeepers have reported millions of bees dying just after corn seeds, treated with neonicotinoid pesticides, were planted
- An estimated 25,000 bumblebees were recently found dead in an Oregon parking lot, just a short time after trees in the area had been sprayed with a neonicotinoid insecticide
- The state of Oregon has banned 18 such pesticides pending an investigation into bee deaths; the European Union has also banned the pesticides for two years to further study their impacts on bee populations
- Beekeeping organizations and beekeepers have filed a legal action against the EPA for recently approving sulfoxaflor, a similar pesticide to neonicotinoids (see video at above weblink)
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ObamaCare, Simplified
"...The process for determining subsidy eligibility could require 21 different steps, involving at least five separate entities..." "... the image (below) to see how the Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration explained the Obamacare enrollment process, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday:

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