Wednesday, July 31, 2013

More GMO tomatoes coming - 1994 bioengineered tomatoes were recalled because of their "new FlavrSavr" gene didn't work, the fruit still went rotten -- Now we have a new bioengineered tomato coming out soon that has a drug in it to produce the "good" HDL cholesterol to (allegedly) "reduce heart disease"

New Varieties of Genetically Modified Tomatoes Coming Soon To a Grocery Near You
"... Similar gene modification techniques were devised in GM crops that led to tumors in a long-term widely publicized study on GM corn fed rats.

"The problem remains as with all GM techniques, that we simply don't know what the long-term effects of consuming such foods will be since short-term studies can never tell us," said researcher and geneticist Professor Thomas Tranter...
Multiple Projects

"There are many other biotech projects aiming to enrich tomatoes with substances that may offer health benefits which claim to be more nutritious, however no human or long-term studies are planned to discover their effects on metabolism.

"Monsanto developed tomatoes that delayed ripening by preventing the production of ethylene, a hormone that triggers ripening of fruit. Although the tomatoes were briefly tested in the marketplace, patent arguments forced its withdrawal.

"Tomatoes (along with potatoes, bananas and other plants) are also being investigated as vehicles for delivering edible vaccines. Clinical trials have been conducted on mice using tomatoes that stimulate antibody production targeted to norovirus, hepatitis B, rabies, HIV and anthrax.

"Korean scientists are looking at using the tomato to expressing a vaccine against Alzheimer's disease. Hilary Koprowski, who was involved in the development of the polio vaccine, is leading a group of researchers in developing a tomato expressing a recombinant vaccine to SARS.

"Although GM foods can only be planted in many countries as part of a trial, and even then only under strict conditions, millions of hectares of the crops have already been planted in the Americas.

"Campaigners have warned that there is no compulsory labelling of meat or dairy products from animals which have been fed on GM crops, and that any long-term problems from eating the foods is still unknown..."

Below is a person's comment to another article about the same topic, and it makes a very vital point:
So, if you claim Vitamin C stops scurvy based on thousands of studies, the FDA will put you in jail. But if you claim your GMO tomatoes reduce plaque based on a single study, that is fine.
New monstrous breeds of GMO tomato coming to a store near you

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