Wednesday, July 31, 2013

More GMO tomatoes coming - 1994 bioengineered tomatoes were recalled because of their "new FlavrSavr" gene didn't work, the fruit still went rotten -- Now we have a new bioengineered tomato coming out soon that has a drug in it to produce the "good" HDL cholesterol to (allegedly) "reduce heart disease"

New Varieties of Genetically Modified Tomatoes Coming Soon To a Grocery Near You
"... Similar gene modification techniques were devised in GM crops that led to tumors in a long-term widely publicized study on GM corn fed rats.

"The problem remains as with all GM techniques, that we simply don't know what the long-term effects of consuming such foods will be since short-term studies can never tell us," said researcher and geneticist Professor Thomas Tranter...
Multiple Projects

"There are many other biotech projects aiming to enrich tomatoes with substances that may offer health benefits which claim to be more nutritious, however no human or long-term studies are planned to discover their effects on metabolism.

"Monsanto developed tomatoes that delayed ripening by preventing the production of ethylene, a hormone that triggers ripening of fruit. Although the tomatoes were briefly tested in the marketplace, patent arguments forced its withdrawal.

"Tomatoes (along with potatoes, bananas and other plants) are also being investigated as vehicles for delivering edible vaccines. Clinical trials have been conducted on mice using tomatoes that stimulate antibody production targeted to norovirus, hepatitis B, rabies, HIV and anthrax.

"Korean scientists are looking at using the tomato to expressing a vaccine against Alzheimer's disease. Hilary Koprowski, who was involved in the development of the polio vaccine, is leading a group of researchers in developing a tomato expressing a recombinant vaccine to SARS.

"Although GM foods can only be planted in many countries as part of a trial, and even then only under strict conditions, millions of hectares of the crops have already been planted in the Americas.

"Campaigners have warned that there is no compulsory labelling of meat or dairy products from animals which have been fed on GM crops, and that any long-term problems from eating the foods is still unknown..."

Below is a person's comment to another article about the same topic, and it makes a very vital point:
So, if you claim Vitamin C stops scurvy based on thousands of studies, the FDA will put you in jail. But if you claim your GMO tomatoes reduce plaque based on a single study, that is fine.
New monstrous breeds of GMO tomato coming to a store near you

Monday, July 29, 2013

"Fruit & Vegetables Prescription Program" - food is now labeled as medicine/drugs to be prescribed by doctors and hospitals by prescription to treat obesity in NYC - ISN'T THIS WHAT WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO AVOID HAPPENING IN ORDER TO PROTECT DSHEA???

Wholesome Wave Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program Launches in New York City Public Hospitals, Targets Those at Risk of Obesity

News Release from New York City Office of the Mayor
July 23, 2013


NYC allows doctors to prescribe fresh fruit and vegetables as treatment for obesity; FDA declares veggies 'unapproved drugs'

Sunday, July 28, 2013  (This article states The Health Ranger is endorsing this program!)
Learn more:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Millions More Bees Dying - 25 facts of why Detroit is failing (you can even buy a house in Detroit for $500 or less) - the chart used to sell ObamaCare to Congress last month indicates it's failing before starting - and Dr. Woods' video on how our economy is failing and could be restored

Bees Dying by the Millions

July 23, 2013

  • Canadian beekeepers have reported millions of bees dying just after corn seeds, treated with neonicotinoid pesticides, were planted
  • An estimated 25,000 bumblebees were recently found dead in an Oregon parking lot, just a short time after trees in the area had been sprayed with a neonicotinoid insecticide
  • The state of Oregon has banned 18 such pesticides pending an investigation into bee deaths; the European Union has also banned the pesticides for two years to further study their impacts on bee populations
  • Beekeeping organizations and beekeepers have filed a legal action against the EPA for recently approving sulfoxaflor, a similar pesticide to neonicotinoids (see video at above weblink)

25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head

ObamaCare, Simplified

July 23, 2013

"...The process for determining subsidy eligibility could require 21 different steps, involving at least five separate entities..."  "... the image (below) to see how the Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration explained the Obamacare enrollment process, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday:

Thomas E. Woods, Jr.: The Attractiveness of Austrian Economics

July 22, 2013


More Political News - Dr. Mercola video that Monsanto PR is failing -

Good News! Monsanto’s PR Machine Is Failing Miserably

July 23, 2013
Story at-a-glance
  • Mainstream press is finally starting to question the logic behind, and safety of, GE foods and genetically modified organisms (GMOs)—from crops with built-in pesticides, to salmon designed to grow abnormally large and fast
  • Some mainstream reporters have come down hard on Monsanto and their biotech allies in recent weeks, most of them highlighting the growing pest and weed resistance these crops have produced
  • A recent report illustrates the dramatic increase of pesticide use as resistance began taking hold in early 2000’s. Use of the herbicide 2,4-D (the active ingredient in Agent Orange) has also more than doubled since 2002
  • In the past few weeks, Connecticut and Maine have passed GMO-labeling bills, and 20 other states have pending legislation to label genetically engineered foods
  • In November, Washington State will vote on GMO labeling. If the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) raises $150,000 by July 27, I will match the donation

Link to Fox 5 W.Virginia's TV News "Genetically Modified Foods" (won't embed):

Monday, July 22, 2013

Political News - Washington DC. Law students "required" in their curriculum to sue somebody just for "practice" - Virginia student sues for real life defense against TSA and actually won, but then Virginia airport took it one step further by requiring all airport law enforcement + TSA to attend a 2 hour training on 1st and 4th Constitutional Amendments - Oregon and USDA still investigating mystery GMO wheat with lab experiments soon to divulge a trail of where it came from that could reveal the missing piece to the puzzle - Seattle Bill would allow state employees to sue citizens who request public records IF they felt the citizens "harassed" them for the public info - and here's 2 sides of a proposed new Utah law on ending compulsory education by making it available as an opportunity, but not forced/enforced with fines and jail - Recent report on superfood quinoa in Bolivia and Peru (that's a complete protein--scientifically a fruit but looks/cooks like a grain) has blossomed around the world as the new protein-sub for vegetarians and how it's causing an economic rise for poverty farmers in those Latin American areas - Detroit poverty video and one suggestion on how to restore it

  Editorial: Protect state’s Public Records Act
Local governments seeking to water down the Public Records Act should remember this line from the law: “The people of the state do not yield sovereignty to the agencies that serve them.”
Seattle Times Editorial
Saturday, July 20, 2013

"...The proposed solution was House Bill 1128, which would have allowed local governments to sue requesters for using the Public Records Act if they deem requests as harassing. Granting municipalities such broad power waters down the Public Records Act, and is akin to attacking a fly with a sledgehammer.

"The bill was wisely killed by Speaker of the House Frank Chopp, D-Seattle.
But the issue won’t die. The $25,000 study seemingly intends to gather momentum for a new version of HB 1128..."

Utah educators question pitch to end compulsory school attendance - Senator says state shouldn’t force kids to go to school; rivals say his plan would create “subclass of illiterates.”
First Published Jul 17 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Video - "Stars Align in Protest of GMOs" - Monsanto pulling out of EU [sorta - just can't sell commercially] - US Navy Vet wakes up in hotel not knowing who he is and speaking fluent Swedish

Monsanto to withdraw EU approval requests for new GMO crops

BRUSSELS | Wed Jul 17, 2013 

Michael Boatwright awakes in Palm Springs with apparent amnesia

Man found unconscious in hotel calls himself Johan Ek, speaks Swedish

 Jul. 7, 2013









VIDEO: Stars align in protest against food giant Monsanto over GMO crops

Foes of the conglomerate have produced a video shining light on the supposed dangers of genetically modified crops. Bill Maher, Danny Devito and Dave Matthews have all spoken out against the company's efforts to kill labeling requirements.



Thursday, July 11, 2013

Is America collapsing the same way Rome collapsed? If so, what to do? "How-to" for keeping a meaningful Independence Day...

The Courage to Be Utopian

In “The Intellectuals and Socialism,”[1] Nobel laureate F.A Hayek shows how ideas gain acceptance in modern society. More importantly, he shows how to win the battle of ideas against supporters of big government. His thoughts provide us with an Independence Day meditation.

Over the long run, public intellectuals—Hayek called them “professional secondhand dealers in ideas”—wield an “all-pervasive” influence on public policy and politics by shaping public opinion.

A public intellectual need not be an original thinker, scholar, or expert in a field. He need not possess special knowledge or be particularly intelligent. But a public intellectual can readily talk and write on a wide range of subjects and he becomes acquainted with new ideas sooner than others. They serve as intermediaries in the spread of ideas.

Such intellectuals include journalists, teachers, ministers, lecturers, publicists; radio, television, and online commentators; writers of fiction, cartoonists, artists, actors, and even scientists and doctors who speak outside their fields of expertise. “It is the intellectuals in this sense who decide what views and opinions are to reach us,” Hayek wrote, “which facts are important enough to be told to us, and in what form and from what angle they are to be presented. Whether we shall ever learn of the results of the work of the expert and the original thinker depends mainly on their decision.”
Public intellectuals are the gatekeepers of ideas in modern society, and voters tend to follow them in the long run.
“It is no exaggeration to say that, once the more active part of the intellectuals has been converted to a set of beliefs, the process by which these become generally accepted is almost automatic and irresistible. . . . It is their convictions and opinions which operate as the sieve through which all new conceptions must pass before they can reach the masses.”

True scholars, scientists, and experts find that such intellectuals understand “nothing in particular especially well,” but it is a huge mistake to dismiss them because, “it is their judgment which mainly determines the views on which society will act in the not too distant future.” So intellectuals must be won over, not ignored, but how?

Since a public intellectual tends not to be an expert on a particular issue, they judge new ideas “by the readiness with which they fit into his general conceptions, into the picture of the world which he regards as modern or advanced.” In today’s politics and public policy, the preconception that guides intellectuals is that central planning and central control is always better than decentralized, individualized approaches. To the modern intellectual: “Deliberate control or conscious organization is in social affairs always superior to the results of spontaneous processes which are not directed by a human mind; or that any order based on a plan laid down beforehand must be better than one formed by the balancing of opposing forces.”

So how does one change the preconceptions of intellectuals that are undermining the foundations of a free society? Hayek contended that, primarily, it is not self-interest or evil intentions, but “mostly honest convictions and good intentions which determine the intellectual’s views.” Hayek advised liberty lovers to play into those good intentions and borrow a page from the playbook of socialists.

“The intellectual, by his whole disposition, is uninterested in technical details or practical difficulties. What appeals to him are the broad visions, the spacious comprehension of the social order as a whole which a planned system promises.” Thus liberty lovers must play into this visionary character and have the “courage to indulge in Utopian thought.”
Hayek warned liberty lovers not to be consumed entirely with current policy debates, but instead they should also dive into long-run speculation that is the strength of socialists and which appeals to intellectuals. Classical liberals must be willing to be seen as “impractical” and “unrealistic” by the current political leadership in order to grab the imagination of intellectuals, who are essential to spreading ideas.

Rather than focusing exclusively on piecemeal improvement of current legislation, liberty lovers must offer grand reconstructions and abstractions that will appeal to the imagination and ingenuity of intellectuals. They must provide a clear picture of future society at which they are aiming without overstatement or extravagance, but which inspires the imagination of intellectuals.

To change the views of intellectuals, one must demonstrate the limits of government planning and control and why it becomes positively harmful if extended beyond these limits, so harmful that it undermines the very ideals that intellectuals hold dear. The key is to focus on ideals because ideals arouse the imagination of intellectuals. For example, “freedom of opportunity” is an ideal. “Relaxation of controls on opportunity” is a political compromise and best left to politicians. “Equality under the law” is an ideal. “An important step toward equality” is a political compromise.

Hayek was realistic about the challenges ahead: “It may be that a free society as we have known it carries in itself the forces of its own destruction, that once freedom has been achieved it is taken for granted and ceases to be valued, and the free growth of ideas which is the essence of a free society will bring about the destruction of the foundations on which it depends.” To avoid this we must make the task of building a free society as “exciting and fascinating” as any socialist scheme by making it an intellectual adventure based on enduring ideals that when put in practice improve human well-being. This will take time.
“Socialism has never and nowhere been at first a working-class movement. It is a construction of theorists” and spread by intellectuals, wrote Hayek.
It took a long time for intellectuals to persuade the working classes to accept this construction and lovers of liberty likewise must take the long view, with their eyes on the prize. If they have the “courage to be Utopian” and boldly follow Hayek’s battle plan, the road to serfdom could well reverse course. Something to ponder on Independence Day.

[1] First published in the University of Chicago Law Review in 1949, when socialist totalitarianism, led by the Stalinist Soviet Union and Maoist China, was on the march worldwide.

Lawrence J. McQuillan is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation at the Independent Institute.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2 law professors legally analyze IRS's control over those who choose not to sign up for national health care - plus 2 more professionals from the American Enterprise Institute -- Ok, allegedly the IRS can't force you to pay the tax, BUT can the doctors/hospital refuse service, even in an emergency, if you don't give them an insurance card?

Is the Individual Mandate Really Mandatory?
By Jordan M. Barry and Bryan T. Camp

"...Finally, we analyze how the PPACA specifically limits the IRS’s ability to collect the tax penalty and, in light of those limitations, the degree to which the individual mandate is truly mandatory in practice. We conclude that, at most, the IRS will generally be able to collect the tax penalty only from a resistant taxpayer
if she is entitled to refundable tax credits that exceed her net tax liability..."

[Jordan M. Barry is an associate professor at the University of San Diego School of Law, and Bryan T. Camp is the George H. Mahon Professor of Law at Texas Tech University School of Law.  This article examines the tax collection process to see how the IRS might enforce the individual mandate under the
healthcare reform law. It concludes that resistant taxpayers can generally be forced to pay the tax penalty only if they are entitled to receive refundable tax credits that exceed their net federal tax liability.
Copyright 2012 Jordan M. Barry and Bryan T. Camp. All rights reserved.]

If You Don’t Buy Insurance, Will You Really Pay the Tax?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012 

"Finally, even if the IRS has determined that you owe the new tax, it has very limited ability to force you to pay it. Basically, the IRS has two options: To ask you for the money and to reduce the size of your tax refund. But the IRS cannot reduce your refund unless you overpay. Since taxpayers have great control over their withholding, a savvy taxpayer who does not want to buy insurance could easily work the system to ensure that the IRS could not hold back his refund to enforce the mandate tax. And half of American households do not owe any income tax to begin with, so good luck getting the money from them. In addition, with electronic filing, the IRS may have already sent you the full refund before they’ve figured out that you owe the ObamaCare tax. All in all, it could take years for the IRS to collect its money.

"This contrasts sharply with the way the IRS collects other taxes. To put it simply, the IRS gets the money it is owed because it has broad powers to enforce compliance. After all, there’s a reason we’re all scared of the IRS.

"To enforce tax compliance, the government can bring a lawsuit against you, but that option is generally reserved for the most serious tax evaders—not individuals who owe a $695 penalty. In contrast, the ObamaCare law says that anyone who does not have health insurance and fails to pay the tax cannot be criminally prosecuted or criminally penalized. There goes the government’s strongest weapon.
"Even those who do confess that they do not have insurance may not be liable for the new tax.
"What happens most of the time is very simple: If you refuse to pay your taxes, then the government takes your stuff. The government can take all the assets you currently have and assets you expect to receive in the future. For example, the money you have in your checking and savings accounts, your car, your boat, your retirement account, any rental income, and wages that have not been paid to you can be taken by the IRS in order to collect the money you owe. The IRS’s power is so strong that it holds third parties liable if they choose not to surrender property that the IRS demands. So your bank has to comply with the IRS.

"Not so if the tax you refuse to pay is the ObamaCare tax. Under ObamaCare, the IRS cannot seize any of your property to enforce the mandate penalty. The IRS cannot go after the money in your bank accounts, and it can’t sell your car. It can’t send you to jail, and it can’t touch your stuff..."

Obamacare Delayed Again Until 2015 For Individual Mandate, State Exchanges

Posted: July 7, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

At age 22, Vani gained 30 lbs. in 3 months and had appendicitis - asked herself how this could be and began research - learned of the toxins in processed foods she'd been eating - began carrying a cooler with her own selected foods - saw a yogurt store advertising "organic" but when she asked what ingredients were in it, discovered there were chemicals and demanded the store take down the organic sign, which they did, and this began her new career - read and watch the video on what one person can do

“Food Babe” – A Woman on a Mission to Change the Food Industry, and How You Can Too       
July 07, 2013

Story at-a-glance

  • Vani Hari’s blog,, and her “leading by example” style of food activism is an inspiration to a growing number of people not just in the US but around the world
  • Eating organically while on the road can be a challenge. One solution is to travel with a cooler stocked with your own food, and asking the locals about organic food sources
  • Vani’s achievements include making the food chain Chipotle list their ingredients, and label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients for transparency. The chain has also swapped out some GE ingredients for non-GMO alternatives
  • Kraft, like many other companies, use toxic ingredients in the products made for the US market, while formulating the exact same products differently for other countries
  • Simple ways to help educate and inspire others about healthier food choices include leading by example, asking questions about ingredients when eating out, and throwing all-organic dinner parties


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

GMO babies now? Latest research on how the toxic fertilizers are killing our soil - Where's the bees? - Feds nullifying Oklahoma State's nullification on health care?? - Losing more bees in Canada...

Britain set to launch first ever genetically modified human embryo

July 1, 2013

How Organic Farming Could Release Us From the Curse of Fertilizer      
July 02, 2013

Bee-Washing: It's Pollination Week? Where Are the Bees?    
July 02, 2013

Research on Antibiotics Reveals Silver Acts as a Booster, While Mixing Certain Antibiotics with Statins Can Be Devastating
July 03, 2013 
 Oklahoma and ObamaCare: Nullifying Nullification

Tuesday, 02 July 2013 12:00

Over 30 Million Bees Found Dead In Elmwood Canada



Analysis by "Wall Street Journal" on insurance premiums will be higher for healthy people and lower for sick people...

  • June 30, 2013, 8:00 p.m. ET
  • Health-Insurance Costs Set for a Jolt

    For the Healthy, Rates Could Soar Under New Law; Sicker Consumers to See Relief

    Healthy consumers could see insurance rates double or even triple when they look for individual coverage under the federal health law later this year, while the premiums paid by sicker people are set to become more affordable. Louise Radnofsky reports.

    Watch Video here (sorry - won't allow sharing or embedding):