Is There a Way Out?
October 29, 2013
"If any American did privately what Congress does publicly, he’d be condemned as an ordinary thief. Taking what belongs to one American to give to another is theft, and the receiver is a recipient of stolen property. Most Americans would suffer considerable anguish and cognitive dissonance seeing themselves as recipients of stolen property, so congressional theft has to be euphemized and given a respectable name. That respectable name is “entitlement.” Merriam-Webster defines entitlement as “the condition of having a right to have, do, or get something.” For example, I am entitled to walk into the house that I own. I am entitled to drive the car that I own. The challenging question is whether I am also entitled to what you or some other American owns.
"Let’s look at a few of these entitlements..."

Congressionally Duped Americans
November 5, 2013
"The Social Security pamphlet of 1936 read, “Beginning November 24, 1936, the United States Government will set up a Social Security account for you. … The checks will come to you as a right” ( Therefore, Americans have been led to believe that Social Security is like a retirement account and money placed in it is their property. The fact of the matter belies that belief.
"A year after the Social Security Act’s passage, it was challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court, in Helvering v. Davis. The court held that Social Security is not an insurance program, saying, “The proceeds of both employee and employer taxes are to be paid into the Treasury like any other internal revenue generally, and are not earmarked in any way.” In a 1960 case, Flemming v. Nestor, the Supreme Court held, “To engraft upon the Social Security system a concept of ‘accrued property rights’ would deprive it of the flexibility and boldness in adjustment to ever-changing conditions which it demands.”
"Decades after Americans had been duped into thinking that the money taken from them was theirs, the Social Security Administration belatedly — and very quietly — tried to clean up its history of deception..."
More Economic articles written by Walter Williams (weekly, all the way back to March 2005):
Google Page full of articles about next week's Power Grid Shutdown Drill, Nov. 13-14, 2013, to be checked out to see if this is for real, and if it is, below is a list of questions we have about it---what do YOU think??---and, if it is not a hoax, then please pass on for others to be better prepared next week!
Next week, Wed/Thurs/ Nov. 13-14, 3 countries (USA, Mexico, Canada) are to totally shut down their power grid "as a drill to see how fast it can come back on." Reasons given? Because the utility grid in all 3 countries is outdated and falling apart, and because there could be a terrorist attack on it.
A. If the grid is outdated and falling apart, just fix it. Why do a drill just to see how fast it comes back on once it is turned off? What if...
B. If there is concern about a terrorist attack on it, why are we showing the terrorists how and where to do it and where the weak spots are?
C. In areas where the power grid goes off due to storms, etc., especially in wide areas that are damaged (Sandy Hurricane, Katrina, Joplin tornado, etc.), due to the wide areas, it takes several days/weeks/even months for enough utility men to work on all the wires to get the power back up. If 3 countries have outdated and falling apart power grids, how can we believe that the power can be brought back up in all 3 countries on the 14th as promised, after turning it off on the 13th, when there is barely enough utility men to get the power grids back up after a storm?
If the power can be delivered when promised, 'power to ya'. However, based on the latest "patterns" of public behaviors, either a drill suddenly goes live with some nut job having read when and where the drill will be, or the real thing happens a few weeks/few months after the drill. Call it "copycat" if you want, but it has been happening that way.
Allegedly there was the same type of drill in California, and it included electricity, water, gas stations, gas in the homes, cars with electronic gadgets, grocery stores, restaurants, ATMs...all of these sources were shutdown, even cell phones had a hard time being used...anything that required the power grid via satellites, etc.
Since the mainstream media does not appear to be covering this warning from the White House about the drill alert just yet, that has been circulating around the Internet since August when the White House first announced it, and those we have been talking to recently said they have not heard anything about it and are having a hard time believing it, we decided to get it out there, to be checked out on google, and/or passed on to others so they have time to prepare, just in case the promised drill next week becomes reality.
We hope enough people object so that it will not happen at all (for the above-mentioned obvious reasons as well as for the safety and economic well-being of all 3 countries), whether as a drill or otherwise, and that the power grids can get upgraded and fixed in a timely manner before any further concerns surface.
If any of you have evidence that it is otherwise, that this is a hoax, then please feel free to let all of us know! It would not have been the first time in history that a statement has been made, and then denied, in order to demonize those who repeated/published the original statement.
PHARMA & HEALTHCARE 175,460 views
Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare
Avik Roy, Contributor
"...Obamacare’s disruption of the existing health insurance market—a disruption codified in law, and known to the administration—is only just beginning. And it’s far broader than recent media coverage has implied..."
Obama administration knew that Obamacare would disrupt private plans.
If you read the Affordable Care Act when it was passed, you knew that it was dishonest for President Obama to claim that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” as he did—and continues to do—on countless occasions. And we now know that the administration knew this all along. It turns out that in an obscure report buried in a June 2010 edition of the Federal Register, administration officials predicted massive disruption of the private insurance market.
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