How to really solve Obamacare and put America on the path to healthful abundance
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Learn more:
As a result of all this, Obamacare is fatally broken even if it magically works. They may be able to (eventually) fix the website, but they can't fix the underlying MODEL of Obamacare which is really nothing more than playing musical chairs with the ever-increasing costs of funding a national policy of disease management and medical crisis intervention.
What you really need if you want a sustainable health care system is something like the following:
• Outlawing all drug advertisements that target the general public. Drug ads do nothing but convince people they need more drugs even when they don't. (All such drug ads were illegal before 1997.)
• Ending the FDA's censorship of truthful health claims on nutritional supplements, thereby allowing sellers of herbs, superfoods and dietary supplements to make truthful, qualified, scientifically-validated claims about the ability of dietary products to treat, prevent and cure disease. Vitamin C, for example, cures scurvy. But the FDA does not allow this claim on a bottle of vitamin C.
• Breaking the state medical monopolies that marginalize chiropractic, Chinese medicine, herbal practices and other holistic healing arts. State medical boards needs to be reined in with a national "Medical Bill of Rights" that guarantees freedom to practice the healing arts without oppressive interference from state medical boards (which are almost always run by conventional medical monopolists who have financial ties to Big Pharma).
• Ending all drug patents and shifting R&D to publicly-funded universities. This would immediately take the profit out of junk science drug promotions and sharply reduce the cost of drugs to the public.
• The outlawing of all toxic, disease-promoting ingredients in the food supply (HFCS, aspartame, sodium nitrite, etc.)
• The breaking apart of the FDA into separate "Food" and "Drug" regulators.
• Reforming the mission statement of the NIH to study causes of health rather than causes of disease.
• The outlawing of FDA, CDC, USDA and FTC employees from accepting jobs inside the very industries they regulate. (Stop the "revolving door" of regulators taking jobs with pharma.)
• The outlawing of drug company bribery of doctors, financial influence of medical schools and commercial funding of science journals.
• The total ban of mercury from all medicines, including vaccines where they continue to be used. This ban also must encompass dental amalgams, where mercury remains one of the top sources of contamination across the population.
• Ending poisonous agricultural practices such as GMOs and the widespread use of glyphosate.
• Ending all government subsidies of agricultural products that promote disease such as high-fructose corn syrup and processed, refined sugar.
• Restoring patients' rights to sue vaccine companies for the permanent health damage caused by their products. Across the board, due process must be restored for patients who consume health products.
• A forced repeal of the FDA's utterly ridiculous "flat Earth" belief that there is no such thing as any vitamin, mineral, nutrient or botanical that has any ability whatsoever to treat, prevent or cure any disease. This absurd belief is hopelessly outdated, and it results in patients and health care providers being unable to find or recommend affordable, safe and efficacious nutritional therapies that prevent and in some cases even help reverse disease.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
"The New York Times" that warned us of the Power Grid Shutdown Drill now reports on how well it went, with the reminder given NOW that it was never meant to turn off any electricity for real, just pretend to turn it off, like a fire drill without the fire...uh-huh...not exactly what they said back in August -- and notice, also, how this below article is written, in present tense, with NO references to it being pretended...wording all the way down to the end, like it's a big joke, that makes it "sound like" it really happened, such as with reports of "stymied efforts to restore equipment and get lights back on, attackers used guns and bombs, by the end of the exercise 20,000 customers were still in the dark, parent company got hit harder and one employee was killed"...any part of the article could be taken out of context and reported as though it really happened in real time...just like the below article also mocks a couple of Internet websites that did an analysis of the drill's potential resulting scenarios....let's see, didn't we see something like this in a children's story once, something about a boy who cried wolf, and what was it that happened when it was for real....? Uh-huh...
Previous article by "The New York Times" --
"As Worries Over the Power Grid Rise, a Drill Will Simulate a Knockout Blow"
("The New York Times")By MATTHEW L. WALD Published: August 16, 2013
In a much smaller drill two years ago, known as GridEx, for Grid Exercise, analysis afterward found that participants were good at communicating with their neighbors, electrically speaking, but not with national organizations like the electric reliability corporation, making it hard for anyone to get an overview of what was happening.
"As Worries Over the Power Grid Rise, a Drill Will Simulate a Knockout Blow"
("The New York Times")By MATTHEW L. WALD Published: August 16, 2013
"Attack Ravages Power Grid. (Just a Test.)"
Published: November 14, 2013
WASHINGTON — In windowless rooms from here to California, nearly 10,000 electrical engineers, cybersecurity specialists, utility executives and F.B.I. agents furiously grappled over 48 hours with an unseen “enemy” who tried to turn out the lights across America. The enemy injected computer viruses into grid control systems, bombed transformers and substations and knocked out power lines by the dozen.
By late Thursday morning, in this unprecedented continental-scale war game to determine how prepared the nation is for a cyberattack, tens of millions of Americans were in simulated darkness. Hundreds of transmission lines and transformers were declared damaged or destroyed, and the engineers were rushing to assess computers that were, for the purposes of the drill, tearing their system apart.
“It’s going really well,” said Gerry W. Cauley, the president and chief executive of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, which ran the drill. “A bit scary, but really well.”
There were seven “deaths” of police officers, firefighters and utility workers who showed up to investigate reports of problems at substations or power lines and were shot by attackers still on the scene. In all, there were 150 “casualties,” Mr. Cauley said. Attempts to restore equipment and get the lights back on were stymied by police officers who locked down the locations because of “active shooters.”
The degree of simulation varied, organizers said. Nobody touched actual operating equipment, but some companies sent trucks with linemen aboard to investigate the status of key transformers because the “scenarios” written by Mr. Cauley’s group included computer viruses that kept technicians at the control centers from knowing the condition of crucial equipment.
The drill also involved “denial of service” attacks, in which hackers flooded a computer connected to the Internet with so many messages that it could not handle the load. In real life, banks and other companies have been hit with such attacks.
Drill participants said they would not talk about the specific locations of the simulated attacks, for two reasons: The locations were chosen at points that the insiders knew were vulnerable, and the companies involved were promised that if they participated, their performance would not be held up to public criticism. The purpose, organizers said, was to pose problems that were hard to solve, to expose areas that needed improvement.
By late Thursday morning, in this unprecedented continental-scale war game to determine how prepared the nation is for a cyberattack, tens of millions of Americans were in simulated darkness. Hundreds of transmission lines and transformers were declared damaged or destroyed, and the engineers were rushing to assess computers that were, for the purposes of the drill, tearing their system apart.
“It’s going really well,” said Gerry W. Cauley, the president and chief executive of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, which ran the drill. “A bit scary, but really well.”
There were seven “deaths” of police officers, firefighters and utility workers who showed up to investigate reports of problems at substations or power lines and were shot by attackers still on the scene. In all, there were 150 “casualties,” Mr. Cauley said. Attempts to restore equipment and get the lights back on were stymied by police officers who locked down the locations because of “active shooters.”
The degree of simulation varied, organizers said. Nobody touched actual operating equipment, but some companies sent trucks with linemen aboard to investigate the status of key transformers because the “scenarios” written by Mr. Cauley’s group included computer viruses that kept technicians at the control centers from knowing the condition of crucial equipment.
The drill also involved “denial of service” attacks, in which hackers flooded a computer connected to the Internet with so many messages that it could not handle the load. In real life, banks and other companies have been hit with such attacks.
Drill participants said they would not talk about the specific locations of the simulated attacks, for two reasons: The locations were chosen at points that the insiders knew were vulnerable, and the companies involved were promised that if they participated, their performance would not be held up to public criticism. The purpose, organizers said, was to pose problems that were hard to solve, to expose areas that needed improvement.
In a much smaller drill two years ago, known as GridEx, for Grid Exercise, analysis afterward found that participants were good at communicating with their neighbors, electrically speaking, but not with national organizations like the electric reliability corporation, making it hard for anyone to get an overview of what was happening.
How well they did this time in what the national group called GridEx II will not be clear for weeks.
One main component of the drill was a log of all communications to record who said what to whom, by email or phone, to determine whether the participants could promptly reach the appropriate people at power companies, police stations or distant cybersecurity centers, and whether they could convey the appropriate information. The information supplied by the game controllers included some “fog of war” confusion, Mr. Cauley said.
From one undisclosed location in suburban Washington, the electric reliability corporation used a crew of about 40 people to lead the exercise, announcing new attacks and other developments. At a second undisclosed spot, but also in suburban Washington at the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, specialists took calls from electric industry technicians and operators to assist in responding to about 40 cyberattacks.
At 210 utility companies, participants responded to developments served up by drill managers. Most of the companies are in the United States, but some are Canadian and Mexican utilities integrated into the American grid. Royal Canadian Mounted Police officials also participated.
The script for some of the attacks, physical and cyber, resembled actual attacks in this country and around the world, said one participant. And they came thick and fast. “They were trying to drive their people to saturation,” the participant said.
At the Southwestern Electric Power Company, a subsidiary of American Electric Power that serves parts of Louisiana, Arkansas and eastern Texas, attackers used guns and bombs against a power plant and a transformer, and 108,000 of the company’s 520,000 customers lost power. “There were certainly surprises for us,” said Venita McCellon-Allen, the president and chief operating officer. “I sat up straight in my chair.”
Most of the company’s participants in the drill were in a conference room at a control center in Shreveport, La., she said, but the activity included contacts with the corporate parent, in Columbus, Ohio. “It was more severe than anything we’ve drilled,” she said. By the end of the exercise, 20,000 customers were still in the dark. The parent company got hit harder: Power was knocked out for an additional 162,000 customers, and one employee was killed.
The drill ran through business hours on Wednesday and half of the day on Thursday, but each hour of drill time was meant to simulate about four hours of activity. After the drill ended, top utility executives and federal officials were to meet to discuss how they would react in the days, weeks and perhaps months of recovery that would follow.
In a period of anxiety about cyberattacks and the vulnerability of the nation’s infrastructure, news that GridEx II would be held engendered yet more nervousness, some of it bizarre. One website tried to connect a joint training exercise in Hawaii between American and Chinese military personnel with the electricity drill . Another described it as a prelude to the government’s declaring martial law.
Nadya Bartol, the senior cybersecurity strategist at the Utilities Telecom Council, a trade group in Washington with hundreds of electric, water and gas utility members, said it was important to remember that the drill did not involve actual electric service. “It’s a fire drill, not a fire,” she said.
Ms. Bartol, who was not involved in the drill, said her group’s members found exercises like this very useful. “It’s a good idea, just like it’s a good idea for a student to take a training test for the SAT,” she said.
One main component of the drill was a log of all communications to record who said what to whom, by email or phone, to determine whether the participants could promptly reach the appropriate people at power companies, police stations or distant cybersecurity centers, and whether they could convey the appropriate information. The information supplied by the game controllers included some “fog of war” confusion, Mr. Cauley said.
From one undisclosed location in suburban Washington, the electric reliability corporation used a crew of about 40 people to lead the exercise, announcing new attacks and other developments. At a second undisclosed spot, but also in suburban Washington at the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, specialists took calls from electric industry technicians and operators to assist in responding to about 40 cyberattacks.
At 210 utility companies, participants responded to developments served up by drill managers. Most of the companies are in the United States, but some are Canadian and Mexican utilities integrated into the American grid. Royal Canadian Mounted Police officials also participated.
The script for some of the attacks, physical and cyber, resembled actual attacks in this country and around the world, said one participant. And they came thick and fast. “They were trying to drive their people to saturation,” the participant said.
At the Southwestern Electric Power Company, a subsidiary of American Electric Power that serves parts of Louisiana, Arkansas and eastern Texas, attackers used guns and bombs against a power plant and a transformer, and 108,000 of the company’s 520,000 customers lost power. “There were certainly surprises for us,” said Venita McCellon-Allen, the president and chief operating officer. “I sat up straight in my chair.”
Most of the company’s participants in the drill were in a conference room at a control center in Shreveport, La., she said, but the activity included contacts with the corporate parent, in Columbus, Ohio. “It was more severe than anything we’ve drilled,” she said. By the end of the exercise, 20,000 customers were still in the dark. The parent company got hit harder: Power was knocked out for an additional 162,000 customers, and one employee was killed.
The drill ran through business hours on Wednesday and half of the day on Thursday, but each hour of drill time was meant to simulate about four hours of activity. After the drill ended, top utility executives and federal officials were to meet to discuss how they would react in the days, weeks and perhaps months of recovery that would follow.
In a period of anxiety about cyberattacks and the vulnerability of the nation’s infrastructure, news that GridEx II would be held engendered yet more nervousness, some of it bizarre. One website tried to connect a joint training exercise in Hawaii between American and Chinese military personnel with the electricity drill . Another described it as a prelude to the government’s declaring martial law.
Nadya Bartol, the senior cybersecurity strategist at the Utilities Telecom Council, a trade group in Washington with hundreds of electric, water and gas utility members, said it was important to remember that the drill did not involve actual electric service. “It’s a fire drill, not a fire,” she said.
Ms. Bartol, who was not involved in the drill, said her group’s members found exercises like this very useful. “It’s a good idea, just like it’s a good idea for a student to take a training test for the SAT,” she said.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
News Reports on Vaccine Politics
Measles Reports in America: What Does It Mean?
November 12, 2013
Story at-a-glance
- American children are among the most highly vaccinated in
the world. Over 90 percent of American toddlers have received a
measles-containing MMR shot by age three, along with 10 other government
recommended vaccines
- Americans born before 1957 have naturally acquired
immunity to measles and we passed antibodies on to our babies when they were
born to protect them from measles during the first year of life
- Because vaccine antibodies are different from
naturally-acquired measles antibodies, young vaccinated moms today cannot give
longer lasting naturally acquired measles antibodies to their newborns
- We have seen a militarization of the public health system
in the past century to justify global vaccination campaigns
- The public conversation about vaccination, health and
autonomy has become ugly and divisive in the 21st century because the War on
Disease has been turned into a War on Values and Beliefs
Story at-a-glance
- American children are among the most highly vaccinated in the world. Over 90 percent of American toddlers have received a measles-containing MMR shot by age three, along with 10 other government recommended vaccines
- Americans born before 1957 have naturally acquired immunity to measles and we passed antibodies on to our babies when they were born to protect them from measles during the first year of life
- Because vaccine antibodies are different from naturally-acquired measles antibodies, young vaccinated moms today cannot give longer lasting naturally acquired measles antibodies to their newborns
- We have seen a militarization of the public health system in the past century to justify global vaccination campaigns
- The public conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy has become ugly and divisive in the 21st century because the War on Disease has been turned into a War on Values and Beliefs
Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger |
Monday, November 11, 2013
Want to help the victims of the Philippines typhoon? Here is contact info for one organization who is taking donations -- And the drama of ObamaCare just keeps going....
Natural News donates $10,000 to Philippines typhoon victims via Tzu Chi Foundation
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger |
Natural News sends $10,000 to help aid hurricane victims
"...While we can't go there and help in person, we know that the Tzu Chi Foundation is probably the best rescue organization on the planet. Nearly 100% of all donations go straight to victims in the form of food, blankets, emergency medicine and basic lifesaving supplies.
"If you'd like to join our efforts, make a donation at the Tzu Chi Foundation website.
"All donations are tax deductible in the United States. Their Tax ID is 94-2952782.
"If you would like to make an even larger donation or happen to own shipping vessels, cranes, bulldozers or other large equipment that you would like to volunteer for the rescue efforts, contact the Tzu Chi Foundation at (909) 447-7799 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

White House orders health insurance companies to not criticize Obamacare
Monday, November 11, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes
Learn more:
"...According to one CNN reporter, they will tell you that the current regime is so adamant about controlling the narrative surrounding the Obamacare disaster that they have even taken to issuing threats.
"During a recent segment on network star Anderson Cooper's "360" program, reporter Drew Griffin said that insurance companies have been told by regime operatives to "keep quiet" about the fact that millions of Americans are being informed that, contrary to Obama's promise, they won't be able to keep their current plans at current prices and deductible levels.
"Basically, if you speak out, if you are quoted, you're going to get a call from the White House, pressure to be quiet. Several sources tell me and my colleague Chris Frates that insurance executives are being told to keep quiet," said Griffin.
"He added: "Sources (are) telling us they fear White House retribution."
'Despite all the rhetoric, you can't keep your plan
"Fear White House retribution. Can you even fathom that this is happening in the United States of America? And yet, according to these seasoned reporters, it is..."
Sunday, November 10, 2013
1.) Election results in Missouri and Colorado--rejection of higher taxes to pay for alleged healthcare research 2.) First 3-D printed gun using metal parts 3.) Two Videos about Austrian Economics 101 by Wrestler "Kane" who shows examples of what happens when other countries collapse economically, and how to fix the EU economy--that could be potentially used in the USA, yes or no? What do you think?? 4.) Louisiana Gov. and state legislature planning a natural consequence for those who chose to steal at Walmart when they found that their food stamps card had been shutdown 5.) IRS caught sending fraud refunds to addresses on the other side of the world claiming it was identity thieves who caused it--$4 Billion to the Middle East addresses--but if you or I attempted that, we'd be thrown in prison before the ink was dry! How does this work?? 6.) Detailed article on how the USA collapses when China calls in their loans (with a video at the end) 7.) Just a comment by Dr. Mercola about another drug company who also paid out big bucks for misleading marketing, just like Johnson & Johnson did recently for the same thing
Taxpayers Win Big in Kansas City, Missouri
Jackson County voters rejected an $800 million tax hike by eighty-six percent.
Yesterday voters in Jackson County, Missouri (including the voters of Kansas City) went to the polls faced with Question One. The ballot question would have increased the county sales tax by .5-percent amounting in an $800 million tax hike over the next 20 years. The revenue would go to fund new research facilities for local hospitals – something that, as opponents noted, in the past would have been funded through federal and state grants, along with private fundraising.
In a landslide victory for taxpayers, Question One was defeated with 86-percent of voters against and only 14-percent in favor. The ballot measure drew strong opposition from community and taxpayer groups alike – even drawing sharp criticism from the less-than-taxpayer-friendly Kansas City Star:
Read more:
In a landslide victory for taxpayers, Question One was defeated with 86-percent of voters against and only 14-percent in favor. The ballot measure drew strong opposition from community and taxpayer groups alike – even drawing sharp criticism from the less-than-taxpayer-friendly Kansas City Star:
To urge a “ no” vote is not a happy place for this newspaper. It’s easy to root for a major translational research hub and the talented researchers it may draw. We simply don’t see an additional tax on one county’s shoppers, be they individuals or businesses, as the primary path to that goal…With voters rejecting a massive tax increase in Colorado by a 2 to 1 margin, the defeat of Question One in Jackson County, Missouri serves as yet another example that voters are souring on the tax and spend philosophy touted by Democrats across the nation.
Voters need to make it a point to get to the polls, reject this tax initiative, and then the community can pull together to find more equitable funding to advance this worthwhile effort.
Read more:
Texas Company Makes The World’s First 3D-Printed Metal Gun
November 8, 2013
Austrian Economics With Glenn Jacobs (aka Wrestler "Kane")
November 8, 2013
Central Bank Monetary Cures Cannot Work
November 8, 2013
Peter Schiff on CNBC Europe (11/7/2013) discussing the EU economy and what is needed to fix it
Louisiana Food Stamp Abusers Will Lose Benefits Over Wal-mart Free For All
November 8, 2013 Governor...) Bobby Jindal and his administration took steps to strip food stamp from those who loaded up their shopping carts knowing they had insufficient funds in their EBT accounts...
Report: IRS Refunded $4B to Identity Thieves
from AP 7 Nov 2013
(AP) Report: IRS refunded $4B to identity thieves
Associated Press
The Internal Revenue Service issued $4 billion in fraudulent tax refunds last year to people using stolen identities, with some of the money going to addresses in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Ireland, according to an inspector general's report released Thursday.
The IRS sent a total of 655 tax refunds to a single address in Lithuania, and 343 refunds went to a lone address in Shanghai.
In the U.S., more fraudulent returns went to Miami than any other city. Other top destinations were Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta and Houston.
The IRS has stepped up efforts to fight identity theft, but thieves are getting more aggressive, said the report by J. Russell George, Treasury's inspector general for tax administration. Last year, the IRS stopped more than $12 billion in fraudulent refunds from going to identity thieves, compared with $8 billion the year before...
How China Can Cause The Death Of The Dollar And The Entire U.S. Financial System

"The death of the dollar is coming, and it will probably be China that pulls the trigger. What you are about to read is understood by only a very small fraction of all Americans..." (Also watch video at end of article)
The Mises View: “Our NSA Economy” | Mark Thornton
November 8, 2013
Mark Thornton explains some unintended consequences of bulk NSA spying. Thornton is a Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute. For more information, visit the Mises Institute online at
Thursday, November 7, 2013
What do you think of this video message? Does it reflect the US Constitution accurately, or is the US Constitution dead?
Ben Swann: The First Amendment, Speech, Religion And Press
November 7, 2013
Remember the Power Grid Shutdown Drill next week -- Nov. 13-14 -- and here are some interesting weblinks that can help all of us prepare for it
As Worries Over the Power Grid Rise, a Drill Will Simulate a Knockout Blow
("The New York Times")
What Will You Do When the Lights Go Out?
"Here are some examples from my family’s list and the solutions that we either have or have planned:
Lights: Solar garden lights, candles, kerosene lights
"Anything else, we can really live without. These are the things which are vital, and the solutions are all long-term..."
"...When the power goes out, my kids tend to think it’s party time. They like it because it means that we are definitely going to play some games, do some arts and crafts and eat some food we don’t normally indulge in...
"To circumvent a few difficulties, we stock up on disposable goods to use during power outages:
Styrofoam plates
Paper towels and napkins
Plastic cutlery
Baby wipes
Disinfecting wipes
Plastic cups
"In our cupboard, most of the following items are the organic version. Some exceptions are graham crackers and saltines, which can’t be found organic in our rural area. (I avoid purchasing non-organic items that contain corn, even for the “Lights Out” stockpile, since nearly all corn grown in North America is genetically modified.)
Graham crackers with peanut butter
Crackers with home canned cheese sauce
Saltines with peanut butter
Fresh fruit (apples, oranges, bananas)
Canned juice
Trail mix
Dry cereal
Cereal with milk
Canned baked beans with ham
Pudding cups
Canned fruit
Pouches of pre-cooked and seasoned rice
Granola bars
Dried Fruits: apricot, mango, banana, raisins, cranberries, pineapple
Sandwiches: Peanut butter and jelly, tuna, leftovers from the fridge, Nutella
"Following are some “recipes” for power outage food. Okay, “recipe” is a stretch – perhaps just some “tasty combinations”. :) ..." {go to her weblink given above to get the recipes--really good ideas!}
Week 1 of 52: Short Term Emergency Food Supply (List 1) [Sidebar: on the right-hand margin, this website has a list for 52 weeks, giving instructions on what can be done each week of the 52 so that people can afford to prepare for disasters without being overwhelmed economically]
Tess Pennington
Ready Nutrition
"FEMA suggests that each family have a 2 week supply of food and water for their home. Starting a food supply does not have to be a budget breaker. By slowly accumulating emergency supplies, you will not feel the financial “burn” compared to having to pay for everything up front. Therefore, keeping in mind what type of emergencies that you are planning for, if there are any family members with medical needs, how long you want your food supply to last, and so on, will help you make the best choice for your family.
"Taking time to read the nutritional information on the back of the food source and knowing other considerations, will help a person make the best choices for their needs. If a person needs to use their stashed food supply, having foods high in vitamins, nutrients, and proteins will provide their body with what it needs for needed energy and mental clarity.
"Preps to buy:
1 gallon of water per day for each family member (But enough for 2 weeks and remember that having more water stored up is better than being short on your supply)
2 jars of peanut butter
2 cans of juice per family member
2 cans of meat per family member
2 cans of soup or stew for each family member
3 non perishable items such as saltine crackers, graham crackers, etc.
1 hand operated can opener
Permanent marker
Additional supplies for infants or elderly – 2 weeks worth (diapers, wipes, children’s medication, formula, protein/calorie drinks, prescription medications, extra pair of glasses)
"For those who have pets:
1 large container of dry food – This amount should last 2 weeks or longer
"Action Items:
Date perishable goods with a marker
If possible, set aside $20 to use for emergencies
Make a disaster plan and decide what types of disasters you are planning for (weather related, natural disasters, economic or personal disasters)
Decide upon an out-of-area contact who can coordinate information with friends and family members.
Once the out-of-area contact has been decided, email or call the newly designated emergency contact and provide phone numbers and names of family members for them to call.

Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals. When a catastrophic collapse cripples society, grocery store shelves will empty within days. But if you follow this book’s plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply, your family will have plenty to eat for weeks, months or even years. Visit her web site at
"...Those of you who have water stored know that it takes up a lot of space. When storing a short term water supply, purchase the 5- or 10-gallon water containers. Note: The 5-gallon water containers are easier to organize if you place them on their sides and stack them...
"The following items will create a broad selection of foods that can be consumed in an emergency situation. You can create foods like biscuits and jelly, cereal and milk, oatmeal, sandwiches, soups, pastas, casseroles, etc. Constructing an emergency menu now before a disaster happens will enable you to see what foods you have and what foods you may need.
"Preps to buy:
1 gallon of water per day for each member of the family (i.e., 1-2 weeks worth).
2 bottles of juice per family member
2 canned goods (e.g., meat, veggies, soup, and fruit) per family member.
1 each of the following food condiments: Peanut butter, jelly, honey, mustard, ketchup, BBQ sauce
2 drink mixes/tea/coffee per family member
Spices (e.g., salt, pepper, taco seasoning, apple pie seasoning, etc.)
1 gallon of cooking oil
2 each of the following pre-packaged foods: beans, dried peas, rice, noodles, oats, grains, cereals and pasta
2 bags of flour (Note: Those of you who have wheat allergies, click here for alternatives.)
Ramen noodles
Powdered milk
Powdered potatoes
Infant Formula – Note: Call me crazy, but this has a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients and could be utilized for immune boosts.
"Action Items:
1. Date perishable goods with a permanent marker.
2. Find a storage area in the home where emergency food supplies can be placed. Those who are living in small living spaces have rented air conditioned storage facilities to store their supplies.
3. Organize the food and begin creating a list of the items you have according to categories (e.g., condiments, baking supplies, canned goods, medical supplies, etc.).
"...How To Organize Survival Supplies
"Short and long term food supplies should be placed in a safe and dry spot. Many people who feel they do not have adequate space for a food supply make use of unused wall space and create shelving units to use as their storage area. Another method is to use unused closets or rooms. As long as the space is dry and large enough to store foods, it can be used. Additional shelving units can be purchased to accommodate larger food supplies.
("The New York Times")
By MATTHEW L. WALD Published: August 16, 2013
You've Been Warned: Why You Need to be Ready For Total Grid Failure
September 23, 2013
by Daisy Luther
What Will You Do When the Lights Go Out?
Posted by: Daisy Luther | on November 30, 2012
"...Now, apply this to your own situation. Find as many solutions as possible for the issues you would face if going for weeks (or longer) without power. You must stay warm, eat, and drink. Everything else is a bonus...
"Here are some examples from my family’s list and the solutions that we either have or have planned:
Lights: Solar garden lights, candles, kerosene lights
Heat: Wood stove, small propane heater for the bathroom or kitchen for the coldest days, 2 large canisters of propane
Cooking: Wood stove, nutritious home-canned meals that only require reheating, small and large cast-iron dutch ovens to use on wood stove, sun oven, outdoor fireplace, meals that don’t require any cooking("Power Outage Picnic"--see below)
Refrigeration: Large cooler to be packed with snow in the winter and used indoors, a plastic storage bench that is lockable to be used outdoors in the winter (the lock is to keep 4 legged critters out of it), root cellar for summer, change of eating habits in summer
Water: (our well runs on an electric pump and we rent, so unfortunately we can’t modify this) 1 month supply of drinking water stored, Berkey water filtration system, buckets along with a sled or wheel barrow depending on the season, for bringing up water from the lake for flushing, filtration and cleaning.
Cooking: Wood stove, nutritious home-canned meals that only require reheating, small and large cast-iron dutch ovens to use on wood stove, sun oven, outdoor fireplace, meals that don’t require any cooking("Power Outage Picnic"--see below)
Refrigeration: Large cooler to be packed with snow in the winter and used indoors, a plastic storage bench that is lockable to be used outdoors in the winter (the lock is to keep 4 legged critters out of it), root cellar for summer, change of eating habits in summer
Water: (our well runs on an electric pump and we rent, so unfortunately we can’t modify this) 1 month supply of drinking water stored, Berkey water filtration system, buckets along with a sled or wheel barrow depending on the season, for bringing up water from the lake for flushing, filtration and cleaning.
"Anything else, we can really live without. These are the things which are vital, and the solutions are all long-term..."
Power Outage Picnic
by Daisy Luther
"To circumvent a few difficulties, we stock up on disposable goods to use during power outages:
Styrofoam plates
Paper towels and napkins
Plastic cutlery
Baby wipes
Disinfecting wipes
Plastic cups
"In our cupboard, most of the following items are the organic version. Some exceptions are graham crackers and saltines, which can’t be found organic in our rural area. (I avoid purchasing non-organic items that contain corn, even for the “Lights Out” stockpile, since nearly all corn grown in North America is genetically modified.)
Graham crackers with peanut butter
Crackers with home canned cheese sauce
Saltines with peanut butter
Fresh fruit (apples, oranges, bananas)
Canned juice
Trail mix
Dry cereal
Cereal with milk
Canned baked beans with ham
Pudding cups
Canned fruit
Pouches of pre-cooked and seasoned rice
Granola bars
Dried Fruits: apricot, mango, banana, raisins, cranberries, pineapple
Sandwiches: Peanut butter and jelly, tuna, leftovers from the fridge, Nutella
"Following are some “recipes” for power outage food. Okay, “recipe” is a stretch – perhaps just some “tasty combinations”. :) ..." {go to her weblink given above to get the recipes--really good ideas!}
Week 1 of 52: Short Term Emergency Food Supply (List 1) [Sidebar: on the right-hand margin, this website has a list for 52 weeks, giving instructions on what can be done each week of the 52 so that people can afford to prepare for disasters without being overwhelmed economically]
Tess Pennington
Ready Nutrition
"FEMA suggests that each family have a 2 week supply of food and water for their home. Starting a food supply does not have to be a budget breaker. By slowly accumulating emergency supplies, you will not feel the financial “burn” compared to having to pay for everything up front. Therefore, keeping in mind what type of emergencies that you are planning for, if there are any family members with medical needs, how long you want your food supply to last, and so on, will help you make the best choice for your family.
"Taking time to read the nutritional information on the back of the food source and knowing other considerations, will help a person make the best choices for their needs. If a person needs to use their stashed food supply, having foods high in vitamins, nutrients, and proteins will provide their body with what it needs for needed energy and mental clarity.
"Preps to buy:
1 gallon of water per day for each family member (But enough for 2 weeks and remember that having more water stored up is better than being short on your supply)
2 jars of peanut butter
2 cans of juice per family member
2 cans of meat per family member
2 cans of soup or stew for each family member
3 non perishable items such as saltine crackers, graham crackers, etc.
1 hand operated can opener
Permanent marker
Additional supplies for infants or elderly – 2 weeks worth (diapers, wipes, children’s medication, formula, protein/calorie drinks, prescription medications, extra pair of glasses)
"For those who have pets:
1 large container of dry food – This amount should last 2 weeks or longer
"Action Items:
Date perishable goods with a marker
If possible, set aside $20 to use for emergencies
Make a disaster plan and decide what types of disasters you are planning for (weather related, natural disasters, economic or personal disasters)
Decide upon an out-of-area contact who can coordinate information with friends and family members.
Once the out-of-area contact has been decided, email or call the newly designated emergency contact and provide phone numbers and names of family members for them to call.

Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals. When a catastrophic collapse cripples society, grocery store shelves will empty within days. But if you follow this book’s plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply, your family will have plenty to eat for weeks, months or even years. Visit her web site at
Week 11 of 52: Short Term Food Supply (List 2)
Tess Pennington
Ready Nutrition
Ready Nutrition
"The following items will create a broad selection of foods that can be consumed in an emergency situation. You can create foods like biscuits and jelly, cereal and milk, oatmeal, sandwiches, soups, pastas, casseroles, etc. Constructing an emergency menu now before a disaster happens will enable you to see what foods you have and what foods you may need.
"Preps to buy:
1 gallon of water per day for each member of the family (i.e., 1-2 weeks worth).
2 bottles of juice per family member
2 canned goods (e.g., meat, veggies, soup, and fruit) per family member.
1 each of the following food condiments: Peanut butter, jelly, honey, mustard, ketchup, BBQ sauce
2 drink mixes/tea/coffee per family member
Spices (e.g., salt, pepper, taco seasoning, apple pie seasoning, etc.)
1 gallon of cooking oil
2 each of the following pre-packaged foods: beans, dried peas, rice, noodles, oats, grains, cereals and pasta
2 bags of flour (Note: Those of you who have wheat allergies, click here for alternatives.)
Ramen noodles
Powdered milk
Powdered potatoes
Infant Formula – Note: Call me crazy, but this has a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients and could be utilized for immune boosts.
"Action Items:
1. Date perishable goods with a permanent marker.
2. Find a storage area in the home where emergency food supplies can be placed. Those who are living in small living spaces have rented air conditioned storage facilities to store their supplies.
3. Organize the food and begin creating a list of the items you have according to categories (e.g., condiments, baking supplies, canned goods, medical supplies, etc.).
Inventory Management for Survival Supplies
Tess Pennington
Ready Nutrition
Ready Nutrition
"...How To Organize Survival Supplies
"Short and long term food supplies should be placed in a safe and dry spot. Many people who feel they do not have adequate space for a food supply make use of unused wall space and create shelving units to use as their storage area. Another method is to use unused closets or rooms. As long as the space is dry and large enough to store foods, it can be used. Additional shelving units can be purchased to accommodate larger food supplies.
- Take all items off the shelf and sort items into categories. Sort items for needs such as baking supplies, breakfast cereals, canned goods, medical supplies, bartering/charity, etc.
- Store items next to one another that are used together. For example, keep baking needs such as flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, etc next to one another for easy access.
- Place goods with the longest expiration date in the back and work forward to the closest expiration date.
- Have a Inventory Management spreadsheet or listing system. Keeping an inventory list of foods that have been purchased and adding to the list when more items have been purchased will provide a well rounded supply. Categorize the inventory into sections such as items for baby, baking, water/beverages, cleaning, condiments, 72 hour bag, emergency supplies. The Prepared LDS Family, has a thorough suggested inventory organizational method that would be helpful for those starting out.
- The food storage inventory should be checked every 6 months to make sure that food items are properly rotated and are used within their expiration date.
"Managing Your Inventory
"Many find that stored food is convenient to have in their home. When they need a can of food, they go to their storage supplies and use it. Storing food is a continual process of using, rotating and resupplying. If a short term food supply is bought, the food must be used and more food purchased to resupply the storage shelf. Additionally, if any food is canned or jarred at home, a storage area can also be used for these goods.
"Guidelines for Food Storage:
Use within 6 months:
Powdered milk (in box)
Dried fruit (in metal container)
Dry, crisp crackers (in metal container)
Use Within 1 year:
Canned condensed meat and vegetable soups
Caned fruit, fruit juices and vegetables
Ready-to-eat cereals and uncooked instant cereals (in metal containers)
Vitamin C
Peanut butter
Hard candy and canned nuts
May Be Stored Indefinitely (in proper containers and conditions):
Vegetable oils
Dried Corn
Baking powder
Instant coffee, tea and cocoa
Non carbonated soft drinks
White rice
Bouillon products
Dry pasta
Powdered milk (in nitrogen packed cans)
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Anti-GMO campaign in Washington State lost the fight, but the battle is not over -- but check out the DIFFERENCES in ingredients used here in the USA compared to ingredients in the SAME food over in the UK, so it IS possible to have non-GMO ingredients in our food!!! -- Finally a consequence for at least one company engaged in false claims and bribery!!
Washington State Votes to Label GMO Foods
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
November 06, 2013
Story at-a-glance
- On November 5, Washington State voted on a law to label genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) foods
- To take control of your health, you need to address your diet. Processed foods are one of the primary drivers of chronic disease, so switching from processed foods to natural (ideally organic) whole foods is the first step
- Planting your own “Victory Garden” can go a long way toward healthier eating, and in the long run, it can provide incentive for industry-wide change, and a return to a diet of real food, for everyone, everywhere
- Regardless of the season, where you live, and how much space you have, you can grow your own food. one of the simplest and most inexpensive alternatives is to grow sprouts
- Whatever veggies you have left over you can easily ferment, which will provide you with superior, nutritious foods year-round
GMO labeling initiative 522 seems to have failed, proving once again that corporate money can buy food secrecy

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Learn more:
(NaturalNews) As of this writing, Washington state I-522 looks to have narrowly failed at the ballot box. This link shows election results county by county.
At 11:00pm last night, the "no" votes were winning by approximately 55% to 44%. Mail-in votes reportedly have not been counted yet, but unless a radical change appears in the final votes, I-522 will go down in history as yet another example of corporate money buying out the voters through a campaign of lies and deception.
The Grocery Manufacturers of America and most of the big-name food companies proved in this campaign that they are willing to operate a criminal conspiracy to cheat, lie and intentionally misinform voters. At stake is their continued way of doing business: SECRECY coupled with consumer ignorance...
We also have to realize that the GMO labeling opposition will never play by the rules. They routinely engage in dirty tricks and even criminal behavior in order to achieve their goals at any cost. I am not suggesting that we stoop to their level and start breaking the law to achieve victory, but we do have to take a far more aggressive stance that directly accuses the opposition of mass deception, mass poisoning and causing a potential ecological disaster.
See, the problem with the campaigns for GMO labeling so far is that they are too polite. They are run by nice people who play by nice rules. Those are great people to have as friends and neighbors, but they are not the kind of scrapping, no-holds-barred warriors that are needed to defeat such as slithering, slippery enemy.
The opposition to GMO labeling is a cabal of mafia-style criminal rogues who continue to achieve their dark victories by breaking all the rules and playing dirty. To beat them at that game, you have to take off the kid gloves and go for their throats.
If anybody in the GMO labeling activism world wants to know how to do that, contact me so we can set up a face-to-face meeting. In the mean time, know that I am already working on an asymmetrical P.R. warfare strategy that will be unleashed next year right here on Natural News.
Because the real story here -- and I'm not going to fully explain this until later -- is that the very weapons needed to defeat these evil corporations are sitting right there on the shelves of every grocery store across America. They have handed us the tools of their own defeat.
This will all be explained in more detail on January 7, 2014 as part of my upcoming breakthrough food science announcement.
Processed foods contain healthier ingredients in foreign markets than they do in US
Wednesday, November 06, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff
Learn more:
"...Many popular processed foods, such as Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Ritz Crackers, McDonald's French fries and Pizza Hut Garlic Cheese Bread, to name just a few, are intentionally formulated much differently here in the U.S. than they are elsewhere. Foreign varieties of these and many other processed foods are generally healthier, contain fewer or no toxic additives and are all-around more appealing from a health standpoint than their American counterparts...
"Take Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, for instance. The American version of this popular processed food product contains a laundry list of unhealthy ingredients, including enriched flour, artificial cheese flavors, chemical preservatives and synthetic, petroleum-based dyes like Yellow 5, which has been linked to triggering behavioral problems in children. The U.K. version, on the other hand, known as "Cheesey Pasta," contains simple ingredients like durum wheat semolina, which is much healthier than refined flour, real cheese and natural colors derived from paprika and beta carotene.
"The same goes for McDonald's French fries, which in the U.S. are loaded with hydrogenated oils, synthetic flavoring agents and dangerous chemical preservatives like TBHQ and dimethylpolysiloxane -- this anti-foaming agent, as we previously reported, is a key ingredient in children's Silly Putty. In the U.K., however, McDonald's French fries contain only natural potatoes, salt, a little bit of sugar and non-hydrogenated vegetable oil.
"The ingredient list comparison for McDonald's French fries in the U.K. versus the U.S. is available here:
"What about Quaker Oats breakfast cereal? Surely this popular "healthy" food item is limited to simple oats and fruit, right? Wrong. In the U.S., Quaker Oats strawberry flavor oatmeal cereal contains poisonous additives like partially hydrogenated soybean oil, artificial strawberry flavor, Red 40, a slew of chemical preservatives and even more artificial flavoring agents. The U.K. version of this same product, on the other hand, contains no hydrogenated oils, no fake strawberry flavor and actual freeze-dried strawberry pieces.
"Using banned ingredients that other countries have determined unsafe for human consumption has become a pandemic in this country," explains Food Babe, noting that her investigation led to feelings of "outrage, unfairness, disbelief, and ultimately grief."
"The U.S. food corporations are unnecessarily feeding us chemicals -- while leaving out almost all questionable ingredients in our friends' products overseas," she writes..."
Johnson & Johnson to pay $2.2 billion for making false marketing claims and engaging in kickbacks
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
by: Raw Michelle
Learn more:
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
What?? Social Security is all a big lie?? But...but... (the suggested solution that has been given by a former US Congressman... to stop the foreign aid--let charities in our nation take care of it as their humanitarian projects--bring the troops home, and then use that money to pay the elderly their social security/medicare benefits while the younger generation be allowed to opt out of paying for it through their payroll taxes, with the same for all others who want to keep their income and invest it themselves for their own retirement, not have somebody steal it through taxes and claim the money will last forever when it is NOT in any special trust fund as we have been allowed to believe all these years since 1936....Sounds like a better plan than what we've got--Any of you ever heard of a better plan than this one?? Bring it on!!) -- Are you aware that there is an alleged alert from the White House for next week's Power Grid Shutdown we really need one?? See our concerns -- And last, but not least, another lie being exposed about ObamaCare--when will the lies ever stop?? And Congress thinks they can get our trust back by passing a 2-page law that exempts people from losing their health care if they already have it and like it....OH!! Just found! A video that gives us a (comical) guide to understanding American debt "made easy"--gotta watch this!!
Is There a Way Out?
October 29, 2013
"If any American did privately what Congress does publicly, he’d be condemned as an ordinary thief. Taking what belongs to one American to give to another is theft, and the receiver is a recipient of stolen property. Most Americans would suffer considerable anguish and cognitive dissonance seeing themselves as recipients of stolen property, so congressional theft has to be euphemized and given a respectable name. That respectable name is “entitlement.” Merriam-Webster defines entitlement as “the condition of having a right to have, do, or get something.” For example, I am entitled to walk into the house that I own. I am entitled to drive the car that I own. The challenging question is whether I am also entitled to what you or some other American owns.
"Let’s look at a few of these entitlements..."

Congressionally Duped Americans
November 5, 2013
"The Social Security pamphlet of 1936 read, “Beginning November 24, 1936, the United States Government will set up a Social Security account for you. … The checks will come to you as a right” ( Therefore, Americans have been led to believe that Social Security is like a retirement account and money placed in it is their property. The fact of the matter belies that belief.
"A year after the Social Security Act’s passage, it was challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court, in Helvering v. Davis. The court held that Social Security is not an insurance program, saying, “The proceeds of both employee and employer taxes are to be paid into the Treasury like any other internal revenue generally, and are not earmarked in any way.” In a 1960 case, Flemming v. Nestor, the Supreme Court held, “To engraft upon the Social Security system a concept of ‘accrued property rights’ would deprive it of the flexibility and boldness in adjustment to ever-changing conditions which it demands.”
"Decades after Americans had been duped into thinking that the money taken from them was theirs, the Social Security Administration belatedly — and very quietly — tried to clean up its history of deception..."
More Economic articles written by Walter Williams (weekly, all the way back to March 2005):
Google Page full of articles about next week's Power Grid Shutdown Drill, Nov. 13-14, 2013, to be checked out to see if this is for real, and if it is, below is a list of questions we have about it---what do YOU think??---and, if it is not a hoax, then please pass on for others to be better prepared next week!
Next week, Wed/Thurs/ Nov. 13-14, 3 countries (USA, Mexico, Canada) are to totally shut down their power grid "as a drill to see how fast it can come back on." Reasons given? Because the utility grid in all 3 countries is outdated and falling apart, and because there could be a terrorist attack on it.
A. If the grid is outdated and falling apart, just fix it. Why do a drill just to see how fast it comes back on once it is turned off? What if...
B. If there is concern about a terrorist attack on it, why are we showing the terrorists how and where to do it and where the weak spots are?
C. In areas where the power grid goes off due to storms, etc., especially in wide areas that are damaged (Sandy Hurricane, Katrina, Joplin tornado, etc.), due to the wide areas, it takes several days/weeks/even months for enough utility men to work on all the wires to get the power back up. If 3 countries have outdated and falling apart power grids, how can we believe that the power can be brought back up in all 3 countries on the 14th as promised, after turning it off on the 13th, when there is barely enough utility men to get the power grids back up after a storm?
If the power can be delivered when promised, 'power to ya'. However, based on the latest "patterns" of public behaviors, either a drill suddenly goes live with some nut job having read when and where the drill will be, or the real thing happens a few weeks/few months after the drill. Call it "copycat" if you want, but it has been happening that way.
Allegedly there was the same type of drill in California, and it included electricity, water, gas stations, gas in the homes, cars with electronic gadgets, grocery stores, restaurants, ATMs...all of these sources were shutdown, even cell phones had a hard time being used...anything that required the power grid via satellites, etc.
Since the mainstream media does not appear to be covering this warning from the White House about the drill alert just yet, that has been circulating around the Internet since August when the White House first announced it, and those we have been talking to recently said they have not heard anything about it and are having a hard time believing it, we decided to get it out there, to be checked out on google, and/or passed on to others so they have time to prepare, just in case the promised drill next week becomes reality.
We hope enough people object so that it will not happen at all (for the above-mentioned obvious reasons as well as for the safety and economic well-being of all 3 countries), whether as a drill or otherwise, and that the power grids can get upgraded and fixed in a timely manner before any further concerns surface.
If any of you have evidence that it is otherwise, that this is a hoax, then please feel free to let all of us know! It would not have been the first time in history that a statement has been made, and then denied, in order to demonize those who repeated/published the original statement.
PHARMA & HEALTHCARE 175,460 views
Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare
Avik Roy, Contributor
"...Obamacare’s disruption of the existing health insurance market—a disruption codified in law, and known to the administration—is only just beginning. And it’s far broader than recent media coverage has implied..."
Obama administration knew that Obamacare would disrupt private plans.
If you read the Affordable Care Act when it was passed, you knew that it was dishonest for President Obama to claim that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” as he did—and continues to do—on countless occasions. And we now know that the administration knew this all along. It turns out that in an obscure report buried in a June 2010 edition of the Federal Register, administration officials predicted massive disruption of the private insurance market.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Republican National Committee (RNC) is posting 4 videos for educational purposes on ObamaCare, some or all may be used as TV commercials eventually
RNC Releases New Video Series: “I’m ObamaCare”
October 30, 2013
WASHINGTON – Drawing inspiration from a familiar computer ad campaign, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has launched a new four-part video series to expose the deep flaws of ObamaCare. Featuring two characters, “The Private Sector” and “ObamaCare,” the videos explore the healthcare law’s many problems. One of the four videos, “Down,” will air as a commercial during tonight’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central in the Washington, DC, market as we work to educate young Americans on ObamaCare.
“The president didn’t keep his promise to Americans; if you like your insurance plan, there’s a good chance you won’t be able to keep it. Adding insult to injury, he refuses to hold anyone in his administration accountable for any of ObamaCare’s costly side-effects. These videos help to convey the absurdity of ObamaCare and the administration’s careless behavior.”
Friday, November 1, 2013
Update from MSU doing an investigation on how/why they shipped out deadly mercury from their website --- Watch CNN video showing their evidence that ObamaCare's website failure was known at least a month ahead (some have said White House staff knew 3 years ahead--causing the question if it was intended to play out that way), but if any of this true, then WHY are there multiple media interviews with White House staff saying nobody knew?? WHY the non-stop lies??
Michigan State University told me (Mike Adams--see yesterday's story) today they have suspended their online
sales of laboratory equipment pending an internal investigation into
how I managed to buy a massive amount of a deadly nerve-killing element from
their website, which they shipped to me in a cardboard box via UPS, no questions
First on CNN: Obama administration warned about health care website (watch CNN video)
By Joe Johns and Z. Byron Wolf, CNN
updated 3:33 PM EDT, Wed October 30, 2013
Washington (CNN) -- The Obama administration was given stark
warnings just one month before launch that the federal healthcare site was not
ready to go live, according to a confidential report obtained by CNN...
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