The silver lining, despite the Supreme Court's cloudy "marriage" ruling.
Despite the gloom and despair many Christians felt about yesterday's Supreme Court ruling which re-defined family and rendered unenforceable part of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, there is a silver lining, as reported by the attorney who defended Proposition 8 in California, Anthony Pugno, who wrote this
excellent analysis, clarifying much disinformation reported by the main stream media:
"Here are some key facts about today's two rulings in the Prop 8 and Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) cases:
"1. By a 5-4 decision, the Court struck down a narrow portion of DOMA that deals only with federal recognition of marriages in those states that have adopted gender-neutral marriage. The majority opinion specifically said it was NOT requiring states to adopt same-sex 'marriage.'
"2. Also by a narrow, 5-4 decision, the Court chose to AVOID ruling on Proposition 8's validity [it was not struck down]...They held that, since California's government officials refused to defend Prop 8, there was no 'case' for the Court to decide. The minority opinion (by four judges) dissente
d, agreeing with our California Supreme Court that we--as the official proponents--should
be allowed to give Prop 8 a defense.
Watch Dr. Chaps 16-minute
TV commentary on BOTH Supreme Court rulings on "marriage"-->
"3. The Supreme Court did NOT accept our opponent's pleas to
hange the definition of marriage, nor did it declare a constitutional right to same-sex 'mar
"4. The Supreme Court 'vacated' (erased) the
Ninth Circuit Court of A
ppeal's previous ruling against Prop 8, which means that terrible decision provides NO legal precedent for same-sex 'marriage.'
"5. California's Constitution says that only an appellate court, not a single trial court judge, can stop a proposition's enforcement statewide. As of today, there is no such ruling. Nevertheless, the Governor and Attorney General today rushed forward with plans to make same-sex 'marriage' licenses available throughout California in the next three or four weeks. [This is a blatant violation of Prop 8, which remains law in California.]
Dr. Chaps' comment: Mr. Pugno is of course correct, that Judges, legislators, and governors do not have power to re-write Prop 8 and DOMA. Yet they choose, by their neglect, to rendered it unenforceable in court. Who will enforce the existing law? We can turn to Almighty God. As I prayed today, God gave me a scripture for America:
"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people. The Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof..." Isaiah 3:12-14, KJV.
So if Christians don't have "standing," fear not. The LORD standeth to judge.
Let's take a stand with God, to enforce HIS law, which stands forever and is not overruled:
Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)Or select our
free option here. Two losses. SCOTUS enforces Same-Sex "Marriage" in California and Nationwide.
As I predicted last week, Justices Kennedy and Roberts both betrayed conservatives today, and homose xualized "Marriage" in both cases of Windsor v. United States (striking down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act), and Hollingsworth v. Perry (concerning Proposition 8 in California).
To be clear, both laws, DOMA and Prop 8 are still laws, still on the books, but they will not be enforced by any court. (Just as God's law still forbids sod omy, and always shall, but will not be enforced by any U.S. Court.)
Justice Kennedy cited our Founding Fathers (who are rolling over in their grave) to rule the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment, which says citizens shall "nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
Kennedy essentially believes that "marriage equality" (which words are not in the Fifth Amendment) requires the federal government to issue federal homose xual bonus pay (including tax breaks, Social Security Benefits, etc.) to homose xual couples in all 50 states, although states may continue to deny state benefits in states where state law prohibits state benefits for couples not legally married in that state.
The full text of Kennedy's 5-4 ruling in Windsor v. United States is
here. KENNEDY delivered the opinion of the Court, in which GINSBURG, BREYER, SOTOMAYOR, and KAGAN joined. ROBERTS, SCALIA (with THOMAS), and ALITO (with THOMAS) filed 3 separate dissenting opinions.
As I also predicted last night, Justice Roberts betrayed conservatives in the other case, writing that California Christians did not have federal standing to sue to defend Prop 8, the ballot initiative passed twice by California voters defining traditional marriage as only valid between one man and one woman. Because the California Governors refused to defend the law in court, Christians sued to defend the law. And although the California Supreme Court ruled they have legal "state standing" to sue, (i.e. they may appear in state court to defend the law), the Supreme Court ruled today Christians as private citizens do not have "federal standing" to sue or appear to defend the state law in federal court.
Since the California government will not enforce Proposition 8, and private citizens cannot sue, then homose xuals in California are free to "marry" each other, and obtain full state benefits, despite the existence of Prop 8 which remains California law, but is not being enforced by either the state or federal government.
The full text of Roberts' 5-4 ruling in Hollingsworth v. Perry is
here. ROBERTS delivered the opinion of the Court, in which SCALIA, GINSBURG, BREYER, and KAGAN joined. KENNEDY filed a dissenting opinion, joined by THOMAS, ALITO, and SOTOMAYOR.
Friends, today is a shameful day in American history. When courts refuse to enforce good existing laws (including God's law), they give (by default) permission for sin to run wild across America. But when they claim the Founding Fathers somehow endorse sod omy, they have betrayed all that God and the Foundering Fathers ever stood for.
Let's continue to petition Congress, to enact a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as Jesus did in Matthew 19, between one man and one woman.
Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!)Or select our
free option here. God Bless you, in Jesus' name,

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD
For media interviews,
select here.