4 very good videos that give more details to these news events!
Why are Americans Getting So Little in Return for the Highest Medical Bills on the Planet? (and how to get some of your money back!)
March 16, 2013
How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used to Create Novel Flavor Enhancers
"...foods and beverages that taste good while reducing sugar and salt content. Customers include Pepsi Co., Ajinomoto Co. (the maker of aspartame and meat glue), Nestlé and others..."
March 17, 2013
"FLOW" Documentary Film Exposes the Worldwide Water Crisis Few are Aware of
The Emergence of a Water Cartel
Help Pass ARTICLE 31: Clean Water is a 'Fundamental Human Right'
One of the ways you can be a “water warrior” is by helping pass Article 31, which would establish clean water as a fundamental human right
- There is a petition proposing the addition of one more article to the 30-article Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and they need your signature. In 1948, the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were ratified by all the nations of the world. These 30 articles guaranteed a broad sweep of human rights across many human endeavors, from life to liberty to freedom of thought. Now, 60 years later, recognizing that over a billion people across the planet lack access to clean and potable water and that millions die each year as a result, it is time to add one more article to this historic declaration
- It’s estimated that fresh, clean water can be provided to every single person on the planet for less than two cents per day, per person, which is less than is currently spent on bottled water
March 16, 2013 (2 videos on this one)
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