Monday, November 14, 2011

More $$ If Cities/Businesses Delete Fluoride!

Just received an email update from FAN>>Voters in Amesbury, Massachusetts ended fluoride forever on Nov. 8th last week!  The town of almost 17,000 residents had fluoride started 44 years ago.  And then in 2009 they quit adding it because the fluoride chemicals were clogging up their water plant equipment with "unknown insoluble residue."  Their local Board of Health worked and worked to get fluoride back and finally asked for it to be put on the ballot, giving their recommendation of "3 to 1" to have the public vote "yes" on the ballot.  Instead, the residents educated themselves, and instead of voting it back in, they voted it out completely after 44 years!

Here's another amazing phenomenon!  Retail business owners are now joining the anti-fluoride battle -- here's some success stories:

-In Austin, Texas the owner of Hopdoddy Burgers uses reverse osmosis filters to remove the fluoride from the water they serve to customers and use for cooking.  They advertise this fact locally, and have joined the residents of Austin calling for an end to fluoridation.

-In Watsonville, California Martinelli's apple juice publicly opposes water fluoridation, and uses well water in their juice rather than the local water which is fluoridated.  On their webpage discussing their position on fluoridation, they even urge customers to watch FAN's film, "Professional Perspectives".

-In Portland, Maine the owners of GRO Cafe and Bonobos kicked off a campaign to collect petition signatures to get a referendum vote on fluoridation.  Their motivation was originally a campaign to get restaurants to stop using bottled water, called "Take Back the Tap", but found that the only way to truly take back the tap was to increase the quality of the drinking water by removing fluoride.

Businesses can be very powerful allies in any campaign against fluoridation, and can often add a great deal of influence, media attention, and support for a campaign.  If you live in a fluoridated community, why not ask your favorite restaurant to join the fight.  When you go for a meal, be armed with a petition or official statement for them to sign, like this:
"I am a restaurant owner in Town X.  My customers are asking me to remove fluoride from the water I serve to them and use when cooking their food.  Removing the fluoride with a filtration system would cost my business a lot of money.  It would make more sense for everyone if the city was to stop adding fluoride chemicals to our drinking water. It is not necessary (fluoride works topically not from inside the body), and there are many health concerns. ("

Urge the owner(s) to sign it, then put it in an envelope addressed to your city council.  If several restaurants send in these letters, your local council will almost certainly take notice. 

(Go to and download your FREE copy of my book "Fluoridation: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" -- a vet in a Washington State city looked at it, and said it was a fast read on fluoride facts that needed to be sent out to all vets statewide--this was done in their city, and they won!)

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