Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
FDA approves GMO salmon over Christmas holidays
The San Francisco Chronicle quoted the FORMER COMMISSIONER of the FDA, Herbert Ley, MD, as follows: "The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day." (Jan. 2, 1970)
For a copy of the FDA report on how "safe" the GMO salmon is, go here:
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FDA says 'frankenfish' salmon would not harm environment, clears way for approval
WASHINGTON — Federal health regulators say a genetically modified salmon that grows twice as fast as normal is unlikely to harm the environment, clearing the way for the first approval of a scientifically engineered animal for human consumption.
Associated Press, AP DEC 21 Health & Science

Genetically altered salmon are safe, FDA says
Debate continues over modified food and final approval of the AquAdvantage salmon still pending.
For a copy of the FDA report on how "safe" the GMO salmon is, go here:
Would you eat biotech fish? FDA approves genetically engineered salmon
Wednesday, December 26, 2012Learn more:
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Video - Keep Fighting for GMO Labeling in North America
General Mills Gets a Taste of the Backlash After it Spent Over $1.1 Million to Defeat GMO Labeling Initiative
December 18, 2012

Story at-a-glance
- General Mills, which donated more than $1.1 million to the 'No on Prop. 37' campaign to defeat the GE labeling law, recently got a taste of the backlash from their subversive tactics
- Just one day after General Mills’ Cheerios brand released a Facebook app allowing “fans” to “show what Cheerios mean to them,” the app was abruptly pulled due to thousands of angry consumers using it to create anti-GMO statements and lashing out against the company’s treachery
- Two of the first three ingredients in Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios are corn starch and sugar—two ingredients that might be genetically engineered (a majority of corn-based ingredients and sugar from sugar beets on the US market is now GE)
- The fact that General Mills would rather pay millions to hide that their products contain GE ingredients rather than give you the choice to buy something else, or reformulate their product without GE ingredients is quite telling. And fortunately, people are now starting to see through these shady tactics where actions do not match the words
- Washington state and Vermont are now working on people’s initiatives to get GE labeling laws passed in 2013
Monday, December 17, 2012
WorldWide Petition Found Below
Go to the above website to see the petition put together by a Washington State attorney. 341 people have signed the petition from around the world so far, at the time of this posting, and you can watch their name and country come up on the computer screen as they sign the petition. There is an explanation on the website about dental fluorosis that includes the below pictures (copy/paste would not work on separate postings).
Go to the above website to see the petition put together by a Washington State attorney. 341 people have signed the petition from around the world so far, at the time of this posting, and you can watch their name and country come up on the computer screen as they sign the petition. There is an explanation on the website about dental fluorosis that includes the below pictures (copy/paste would not work on separate postings).
As citizens from around the world, we ask that you declare that water fluoridation products are drugs because they are intended to prevent the disease of tooth decay. However, such products are not approved drugs. Many experts state that water fluoridation products are not safe and effective. Please stop the sale of water fluoridation products that are not HHS or FDA approved as safe and effective drugs for use in public water supplies.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
NPA Funded Money Against California's Prop. 37 to Label GMO Foods??
Will the Natural Products Association Live Up to its Name in the Continued Fight for GMO Labeling?
December 11, 2012
by Dr.
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Story at-a-glance
December 11, 2012
by Dr.
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Story at-a-glance
- The Natural Products Association (NPA) is the leading trade association for the natural products industry, leading the charge in lobbying Capitol Hill and setting the standards. Yet it opposed California Prop. 37, which would have required genetically engineered products to be labeled and prevented GE-containing products from bearing the “natural” label
- Shockingly, the NPA’s Natural Standard for Personal Care Products certification does not actually prohibit genetically engineered (GE) ingredients... In fact, a product can contain 100% GE ingredients and still qualify for their Natural certification. This is in direct contradiction to the NPA’s statement that “a product labeled ‘natural’ should avoid any ingredient with a suspected human health risk”
- The NPA’s member list includes not just trusted natural and organic brands, but also some of the biggest pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the world—in essence some of the premiere opponents to all things natural and/or organic, such as Bayer, BASF and Dupont
- The Association still has an opportunity to do the right thing to protect consumers and its own members from growing distrust in the “natural” label. GE labeling supporter Roxanne Green from PCC Natural Markets--a certified organic retailer that supported Prop. 37—recently joined the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Northwest Chapter of the NPA
- PCC Natural Markets has already contributed $100,000 in support of I-522 to get it on the November 2013 ballot. The NPA Northwest also announced a $10,000 donation in support of the Washington labeling initiative
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
How's Your Own Personal "Fiscal Cliff" Doing?
(Sidebar: My staff has decided to focus on the economy now, by going back to finishing posts about the Suze Orman book, plus 3 other books they've found that could be helpful to our readers.)
"The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom" by Suze Orman (we left off on step 4)
"30-Day Plan to Financial Independence" by Mark Skousen
"Debt-Free on Any Income" by Lyle and Tracy Shamo
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad, What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money" by Robert Kiyosaki
( report from CBS' "Money Watch" and "Forbes" about Kiyosaki declaring bankruptcy in August 2012 on one of his companies, for not paying royalties to another corporation who scheduled the author's the end of the reports, it states there is no evidence for Kiyosaki's claims in his book, with speculation that he became rich from selling the book only.....hummmm...need more research!)
( report from CBS' "Money Watch" and "Forbes" about Kiyosaki declaring bankruptcy in August 2012 on one of his companies, for not paying royalties to another corporation who scheduled the author's the end of the reports, it states there is no evidence for Kiyosaki's claims in his book, with speculation that he became rich from selling the book only.....hummmm...need more research!)
The new, upcoming Affordable Care Act, has 23 states accepting it, 20 states refusing it, and 7 states undecided - Utah is one of the 7 undecided (as of 12/11/12)-- Also, many employees' hours have been cut to less than 30 for the employer to opt out of the mandated health coverage - Does this affect you?
Gov. Gary Herbert issues last-minute plea to President Obama regarding health care reform
By Wendy Leonard, Deseret News
Published: Tuesday, Dec. 11 2012
Yes, no, or maybe? See where governors stand on health care law's insurance exchanges
By Jackie Hicken, Deseret News
Published: Tuesday, Dec. 4 2012
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger |
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(Above opinion also includes the author's suggested solution to save America from further economic disaster in order to reclaim America's solvency--very interesting solution--could it work?)
Monday, December 3, 2012
While fluoride appears to be pushed nationwide, and labeling GMOs appears to have been shot down with $45 million dollars of fraudulent statements, now there appears to be an organized PR campaign against organic foods! How? By mocking those who seek organic foods, just like high school bullying!
The plot against organics: Dr. Oz part of an organized, well-funded P.R. propaganda campaign to destroy the organic industry (opinion)
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of |
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