Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
FDA approves GMO salmon over Christmas holidays
The San Francisco Chronicle quoted the FORMER COMMISSIONER of the FDA, Herbert Ley, MD, as follows: "The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day." (Jan. 2, 1970)
For a copy of the FDA report on how "safe" the GMO salmon is, go here:
Learn more:

FDA says 'frankenfish' salmon would not harm environment, clears way for approval
WASHINGTON — Federal health regulators say a genetically modified salmon that grows twice as fast as normal is unlikely to harm the environment, clearing the way for the first approval of a scientifically engineered animal for human consumption.
Associated Press, AP DEC 21 Health & Science

Genetically altered salmon are safe, FDA says
Debate continues over modified food and final approval of the AquAdvantage salmon still pending.
For a copy of the FDA report on how "safe" the GMO salmon is, go here:
Would you eat biotech fish? FDA approves genetically engineered salmon
Wednesday, December 26, 2012Learn more:
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Video - Keep Fighting for GMO Labeling in North America
General Mills Gets a Taste of the Backlash After it Spent Over $1.1 Million to Defeat GMO Labeling Initiative
December 18, 2012

Story at-a-glance
- General Mills, which donated more than $1.1 million to the 'No on Prop. 37' campaign to defeat the GE labeling law, recently got a taste of the backlash from their subversive tactics
- Just one day after General Mills’ Cheerios brand released a Facebook app allowing “fans” to “show what Cheerios mean to them,” the app was abruptly pulled due to thousands of angry consumers using it to create anti-GMO statements and lashing out against the company’s treachery
- Two of the first three ingredients in Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios are corn starch and sugar—two ingredients that might be genetically engineered (a majority of corn-based ingredients and sugar from sugar beets on the US market is now GE)
- The fact that General Mills would rather pay millions to hide that their products contain GE ingredients rather than give you the choice to buy something else, or reformulate their product without GE ingredients is quite telling. And fortunately, people are now starting to see through these shady tactics where actions do not match the words
- Washington state and Vermont are now working on people’s initiatives to get GE labeling laws passed in 2013
Monday, December 17, 2012
WorldWide Petition Found Below
Go to the above website to see the petition put together by a Washington State attorney. 341 people have signed the petition from around the world so far, at the time of this posting, and you can watch their name and country come up on the computer screen as they sign the petition. There is an explanation on the website about dental fluorosis that includes the below pictures (copy/paste would not work on separate postings).
Go to the above website to see the petition put together by a Washington State attorney. 341 people have signed the petition from around the world so far, at the time of this posting, and you can watch their name and country come up on the computer screen as they sign the petition. There is an explanation on the website about dental fluorosis that includes the below pictures (copy/paste would not work on separate postings).
As citizens from around the world, we ask that you declare that water fluoridation products are drugs because they are intended to prevent the disease of tooth decay. However, such products are not approved drugs. Many experts state that water fluoridation products are not safe and effective. Please stop the sale of water fluoridation products that are not HHS or FDA approved as safe and effective drugs for use in public water supplies.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
NPA Funded Money Against California's Prop. 37 to Label GMO Foods??
Will the Natural Products Association Live Up to its Name in the Continued Fight for GMO Labeling?
December 11, 2012
by Dr.
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Story at-a-glance
December 11, 2012
by Dr.
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Story at-a-glance
- The Natural Products Association (NPA) is the leading trade association for the natural products industry, leading the charge in lobbying Capitol Hill and setting the standards. Yet it opposed California Prop. 37, which would have required genetically engineered products to be labeled and prevented GE-containing products from bearing the “natural” label
- Shockingly, the NPA’s Natural Standard for Personal Care Products certification does not actually prohibit genetically engineered (GE) ingredients... In fact, a product can contain 100% GE ingredients and still qualify for their Natural certification. This is in direct contradiction to the NPA’s statement that “a product labeled ‘natural’ should avoid any ingredient with a suspected human health risk”
- The NPA’s member list includes not just trusted natural and organic brands, but also some of the biggest pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the world—in essence some of the premiere opponents to all things natural and/or organic, such as Bayer, BASF and Dupont
- The Association still has an opportunity to do the right thing to protect consumers and its own members from growing distrust in the “natural” label. GE labeling supporter Roxanne Green from PCC Natural Markets--a certified organic retailer that supported Prop. 37—recently joined the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Northwest Chapter of the NPA
- PCC Natural Markets has already contributed $100,000 in support of I-522 to get it on the November 2013 ballot. The NPA Northwest also announced a $10,000 donation in support of the Washington labeling initiative
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
How's Your Own Personal "Fiscal Cliff" Doing?
(Sidebar: My staff has decided to focus on the economy now, by going back to finishing posts about the Suze Orman book, plus 3 other books they've found that could be helpful to our readers.)
"The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom" by Suze Orman (we left off on step 4)
"30-Day Plan to Financial Independence" by Mark Skousen
"Debt-Free on Any Income" by Lyle and Tracy Shamo
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad, What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money" by Robert Kiyosaki
( report from CBS' "Money Watch" and "Forbes" about Kiyosaki declaring bankruptcy in August 2012 on one of his companies, for not paying royalties to another corporation who scheduled the author's the end of the reports, it states there is no evidence for Kiyosaki's claims in his book, with speculation that he became rich from selling the book only.....hummmm...need more research!)
( report from CBS' "Money Watch" and "Forbes" about Kiyosaki declaring bankruptcy in August 2012 on one of his companies, for not paying royalties to another corporation who scheduled the author's the end of the reports, it states there is no evidence for Kiyosaki's claims in his book, with speculation that he became rich from selling the book only.....hummmm...need more research!)
The new, upcoming Affordable Care Act, has 23 states accepting it, 20 states refusing it, and 7 states undecided - Utah is one of the 7 undecided (as of 12/11/12)-- Also, many employees' hours have been cut to less than 30 for the employer to opt out of the mandated health coverage - Does this affect you?
Gov. Gary Herbert issues last-minute plea to President Obama regarding health care reform
By Wendy Leonard, Deseret News
Published: Tuesday, Dec. 11 2012
Yes, no, or maybe? See where governors stand on health care law's insurance exchanges
By Jackie Hicken, Deseret News
Published: Tuesday, Dec. 4 2012
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger |
Learn more:
(Above opinion also includes the author's suggested solution to save America from further economic disaster in order to reclaim America's solvency--very interesting solution--could it work?)
Monday, December 3, 2012
While fluoride appears to be pushed nationwide, and labeling GMOs appears to have been shot down with $45 million dollars of fraudulent statements, now there appears to be an organized PR campaign against organic foods! How? By mocking those who seek organic foods, just like high school bullying!
The plot against organics: Dr. Oz part of an organized, well-funded P.R. propaganda campaign to destroy the organic industry (opinion)
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of |
Learn more:
Saturday, November 24, 2012
World's oldest health-freedom organization -- is working to pass a bill in Washington D.C. that amends the FDA's Draft Guidance on New Dietary Ingredients
NHF Works To Keep Nutritional Supplements Available & Affordable
Nov. 14, 2012
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 50% of Americans regularly consume some sort of vitamin or mineral supplement. The National Health Federation (NHF) -- the World's oldest health-freedom organization -- is working to pass a bill in Washington D.C. that amends the FDA's Draft Guidance on New Dietary Ingredients so numerous natural health products consumers have been safely using for decades will not be required to undergo the same kind of expensive testing as new medical drugs -- or else be removed from the market.
When the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) was passed, there were only 4,000 natural supplement products on the market -- now there are 30,000, which means 87% of supplements that consumers now safely use may be affected.
To help preserve this health freedom, NHF introduced the Dietary Supplement Protection Act (DSPA), H.R.3380 on November 4, 2011. Simply, DSPA amends DSHEA by moving forward the grandfathering date to 2007 from 1994, putting many thousands of safe, time-tested products immediately out of range of the NDI Draft Guidance. Why do this?
-- In the 17 years since passage of DSHEA, the supplement industry's safety
standards have undergone a complete overhaul, with much more stringent
manufacturing practice standards in place for the 26,000 supplement
products brought to market since 1994.
-- If not amended, the FDA's new Draft Guidance's strict requirements will:
greatly inhibit any further innovation in the supplement industry, kill
jobs and senselessly increase prices.
-- The cost for testing one element averages $200,000 to millions and could
take up to five years to complete - for products already shown to be
"Time tested results are clear and available to the FDA," explains NHF President, Scott Tips. "Statistical evidence proves that natural supplements taken properly are completely safe for the consumer."
NHF encourages consumers to contact their representatives in Washington to pass H.R. 3380 into law before the December 31, 2012 deadline.
About NHF: Established in 1955, NHF is the World's oldest international, non-profit, consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without undue government restrictions.
The National Health Federation
CONTACT: Kim Marshall, 1-310-452-1234,
Web site:
Copyright PRNewswire 2012
Nov. 14, 2012
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 50% of Americans regularly consume some sort of vitamin or mineral supplement. The National Health Federation (NHF) -- the World's oldest health-freedom organization -- is working to pass a bill in Washington D.C. that amends the FDA's Draft Guidance on New Dietary Ingredients so numerous natural health products consumers have been safely using for decades will not be required to undergo the same kind of expensive testing as new medical drugs -- or else be removed from the market.
When the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) was passed, there were only 4,000 natural supplement products on the market -- now there are 30,000, which means 87% of supplements that consumers now safely use may be affected.
To help preserve this health freedom, NHF introduced the Dietary Supplement Protection Act (DSPA), H.R.3380 on November 4, 2011. Simply, DSPA amends DSHEA by moving forward the grandfathering date to 2007 from 1994, putting many thousands of safe, time-tested products immediately out of range of the NDI Draft Guidance. Why do this?
-- In the 17 years since passage of DSHEA, the supplement industry's safety
standards have undergone a complete overhaul, with much more stringent
manufacturing practice standards in place for the 26,000 supplement
products brought to market since 1994.
-- If not amended, the FDA's new Draft Guidance's strict requirements will:
greatly inhibit any further innovation in the supplement industry, kill
jobs and senselessly increase prices.
-- The cost for testing one element averages $200,000 to millions and could
take up to five years to complete - for products already shown to be
"Time tested results are clear and available to the FDA," explains NHF President, Scott Tips. "Statistical evidence proves that natural supplements taken properly are completely safe for the consumer."
NHF encourages consumers to contact their representatives in Washington to pass H.R. 3380 into law before the December 31, 2012 deadline.
About NHF: Established in 1955, NHF is the World's oldest international, non-profit, consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without undue government restrictions.
The National Health Federation
CONTACT: Kim Marshall, 1-310-452-1234,
Web site:
Copyright PRNewswire 2012
2 honest journalist quit when forced to "report" biased, political journalism on TV station
Take this job and shove it: Fed-up Bangor TV anchors quit on air
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Watch video of them quitting their jobs on the air (can't embed it here)
Monday, November 19, 2012
Hollywood Celebrities Video - Speaking Out Against GMOs and For Prop 37
November 15, 2012
Dear Citizen for Health,
Do you know how the food you eat is produced?
As you know, the fight to pass Prop 37 in California was unsuccessful - due to the millions spent by the No on 37 campaign to spread lies and obfuscate a very simple issue: We have a Right To Know what's in what we eat and drink, and feed to our families. However, while the proposition failed to pass, the campaign was successful in other ways. Most important: it galvanized the support for labeling GMOs nationwide and set the stage to bring the fight to Washington, D.C. while efforts to secure your Right To Know state-by-state move forward. We will continue to advocate for Right To Know policy and bring you important information to share as well as opportunities for action.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may soon approve genetically engineered salmon, which would be the first genetically engineered animal on supermarket shelves in the United States. And the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is considering a new type of herbicide-resistant corn that will encourage the use of more chemicals in our food supply.
Bottom line? Our leaders won't let you make informed consumer choices at the grocery store because current policy doesn't require that genetically engineered foods be labeled.
That's why a slew of celebrities have joined millions of Americans to speak out in favor of labeling genetically engineered foods. Folks like Michael J. Fox from Spin City and Family Ties, Julie Bowen from Modern Family, Tom Colicchio from Top Chef, Emily VanCamp from Revenge, and many more. That's right – some pretty famous folks are fighting for your Right To Know and are raising awareness about labeling. See what they had to say in this fun video featuring new music from Ziggy Marley.
Please take a minute to watch this new video and share it with family and friends!
Can you guess what Chevy Chase said about GMOs?
Or which high-profile moms joined the video?
You'll find out who said what by taking a moment to watch the brand new video from the Just Label It campaign. And then be sure to contact the FDA and Congress in favor of labeling genetically engineered foods.
Together, we'll help make this country a place where every family and every child knows what they're eating.
The Citizens for Health Team
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Citizens for Health - Still working on High Fructose Corn Syrup labeling of foods

November 13, 2012
Dear Citizen for Health,
You are familiar with our advocacy aiming to increase access to the truthful, non-misleading health information we need to make truly informed decisions about what we put into our bodies. Toward that end, we've espoused clear, thorough labeling of food and beverage products for a long time now.
Our support for Prop 37 in California, which would have required labeling of foods produced using GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, was an element of that campaign - keep an eye out for the next phase in that effort.
However, as important a watershed issue as labeling GMOs is, we want to ensure you've had a chance to do your part in support of another important campaign - to require that food and beverage manufacturers label the concentration of HFCS, or high fructose corn syrup, in their products, and to dispel the misinformation spread by the purveyors of this processed goop, the Corn Refiners Association (CRA).
Don't Let "Big Corn" Do What They Want At The Expense Of Consumers
We have been serving as the consumer watchdog responsible for telling fact from fiction as the CRA persists in its attempts to mislead the public about their artificial goop, HFCS.
What you can do:
We're gathering signatures through our project Food Identify Theft for a petition to US Food and Beverage companies urging them to reject the CRA's denial of consumer reality and say "NO" to HFCS. It will be delivered to the CEOs of the nation's largest food and beverage makers, grocery retailers and chain restaurants, as well as to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Please sign the petition here.
Linda Bonvie, blogger for Food Identity Theft and long-time CFH ally, has started her own petition to food and beverage manufacturers - please take a moment to sign that here.
Lastly, even though the FDA has "accepted" (note they did not use the term "approved") the CRA's claim that fructose concentrations in the HFCS found in foods within a range of 42-55% are "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS), the FDA specifically refused to recognize the safety of products containing more than 55% fructose. Data show that HFCS concentrations in many products, such as soft drinks, can be much higher - as much as 65% - and one company markets an HFCS additive that is 90% fructose according to the Chicago Tribune.
Regardless of the specific negative health impacts of HFCS in general, such concentrations of fructose are NOT generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA and are, therefore, even more troubling than HFCS55. That's why we've submitted a petition to the FDA advocating for labels clearly stating the concentration of fructose in any food item containing HFCS. We're also asking the FDA to take action against food sellers who use unapproved formulas of HFCS.
Please take a few moments to post comments directly to the FDA in support of our petition. You can do so here. (Please mention that you are a health-conscious food consumer. Let them know that you care about what you eat and that you require accurate information to make good decisions about your diet. If you have any professional connections to the food industry - science, administration, legal, labor, ANY - let the agency know. The FDA offers tips on commenting here).
Our goal: 100,000 signatures/comments from these three petitions. We can do it - with your help.
Take advantage of our new resources for spreading the word - click on any of the links below and share far and wide! Please also forward this alert to all those you know who want to control what they put into their bodies, and forgive us for any duplication or cross-posting of information you've already received as we continue to send alerts on this in coming weeks. We are working to cast as broad a net as possible to secure our signature/comment goal.
As always, thank you for your participation.
The Citizens for Health Team

Like Citizens for Health on Facebook!

Follow Citizens for Health on Twitter!

Like FoodIdentityTheft on Facebook!

Monday, November 12, 2012
While California is STILL counting their votes, in spite of the predicted "wins," here's a non-reported (until now) effort to control GMOs
Washington County Bans GMO Cultivation
One very interesting ballot initiative we missed: Examiner reports San Juan County, Washington passed Initiative Measure No. 2012-4, making it illegal to "propagate, cultivate, raise or grow plants, animals and other organisms which have been genetically modified."
Exceptions are allowed for GMO cultivation for research and health care use. The initiative does not prohibit the sale of products containing GMO ingredients, nor require labeling of those products made with them.
Violating the order results in a fine for first offense, increasing to a gross misdemeanor charge on the third offense.
For those not up on their Washington State geography, San Juan County consists of several islands in the Salish Sea, roughly equidistant between the city of Bellingham to the northeast and the Canadian city of Victoria to the southwest.
In the past year several US states began efforts to mandate labeling on GMO products, all failed. Vermont and Connecticut attempted to put forth legislation requiring labeling, but both backed off on threat of lawsuit from Monsanto. California ballot initiative Prop 37 would've required labeling of GMO products, but failed, after a well-funded and misleading campaignlaunched by the biotech industry.
Nevertheless, recent surveys have shown that roughly 90% of Americans want GMO products labeled.
When India's GMO labeling law comes into effect at the start of 2013, the US and Canada will be the only two major nations in the world that do not require products containing genetically modified ingredients to be labeled as such.
One Person's Opinion...Food for Thought?
Ten Health Ranger predictions about December 2012 and the first half of 2013
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger |
Learn more:
#1) December 21st, 2012 "Mayan Calendar" day will be a bust
Nothing special will happen on this day other than lots of people meditating globally, which is, in a way, a special thing all by itself. But the universe isn't coming to an end.The day after the non-event, watch for the mainstream media to blame "doomsday websites" for claiming doomsday was going to occur. In truth, most alternative websites are claiming nothing much will happen on that day.
#2) Before January 2, 2013, another huge fiat money creation scheme will be initiated by the Fed to prevent a U.S. bankruptcy
The U.S. government won't be allowed to go bankrupt just yet. Although it has run out of money yet again under the insane debt spending blowout of Obama, the debt ceiling will be raised yet again, and the Fed will print new money to keep buying up U.S. debt.The long-term effect of this compounding debt spiral is, of course, financial suicide, but that doesn't seem to occur to today's zombified voters who are really only concerned with how many handouts they can get right NOW!
#3) Just like he did last year, Obama will use New Year's Eve (or possibly Christmas Eve) to sign another police state executive order
Last year, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) executive order on New Year's Eve, cleverly burying news of the event underneath New Year's celebrations nationwide.The NDAA gutted the Bill of Rights and turned America into a bonafide police state, with no due process, no Fifth Amendment, and no Bill of Rights. It authorized secret arrests, secret kill lists of American citizens, and endless secret prison detainment without ever being charged with a crime, among other things. It signified the complete destruction of the Bill of Rights, and Obama signed it in secret.
This year, he'll use a similar holiday cover to sign some other devastating executive order that, for example, criminalizes criticism of the government (or something else similarly ridiculous).
#4) Massive food inflation will strike the USA beginning in February or March
The droughts of 2012 will be felt via sticker shock at the grocery stores beginning in the first quarter of 2013. Watch for not just price increases on most products made with wheat and corn, but also shrinking food package volumes so that manufacturers deliver less food in a similar-looking package.Manufacturers will "downsize" their packages, in other words, while keeping prices the same. This is another way food inflation hits home.
#5) The TSA will engage in a massive hiring spree and expansion into the streets, running roadside checkpoints
Pedophiles unite! Buoyed by the Obama surge, the TSA will ramp up its hiring and begin building a literal army of pedophiles, thieves and psychopaths which will soon begin to appear across the USA running roadside checkpoints.I also predict that the vast majority of Americans are now so brainwashed into a slave mentality that they will gladly agree to TSA body cavity searches on the side of the road in the name of "protecting us from terrorism."
This isn't mere conjecture. A brilliant new survey commissioned by InfoWars has revealed that an astonishing 35% of Americans would voluntarily wear "shock bracelets" if required by the TSA in order to fly.
In addition, nearly one-third of Americans would also accept body cavity searches by the TSA as a prerequisite to flying. These disturbing survey results reveal that roughly one-third of Americans have already surrendered their dignity to a slave-inducing police state, and many would actually smile in the name of "security" while they are being medically raped by the TSA in the name of a completely fabricated "war on terror" stolen straight out of the novel 1984.
#6) The expansion of the welfare state will kick into high gear with explosive growth in food stamps and unemployment
Under Obama, food stamps and unemployment claims have already experienced alarmingly worsening numbers. Watch for things to get even worse as more Americans thrown out of work by the failed economic policies of the Obama administration sign up for free food and paycheck entitlements from the government.This is part of the plan, of course: Gut the economy and make the population entirely dependent on government. From there, it's a slam-dunk to get elected as a socialist or even a communist, and the U.S. economy begins to take on the look of a nation like Venezuela or Argentina.
#7) A wave of unemployment will gut America's economy as Obamacare causes employers to fire workers en masse
As Obamacare kicks in (2013 and 2014), employers will do three things to avoid going bankrupt under the financial oppression of socialized health care:1) FIRE more workers to reduce overall business size.
2) REDUCE workers' hours to below the government mandated threshold for health care.
3) OFFSHORE more jobs to other countries.
The net effect of this will be, predictably, millions more Americans out of work or working two or three low-paying jobs, none of which actually provide them the health care they were promised by Obama.
#8) A wave of crime seizes America
Following the mass layoffs and slashing of employee hours, the nation will begin to see yet more families and individuals in a state of economic desperation.This will inevitably lead to more crime as people turn to theft to try to make ends meet. Watch for more copper thefts as well as more emboldened hit-and-run crime tactics (such as motorcycles being driven through shopping malls, smashing jewelry store cases and making off with the loot).
I predict you will see more vehicles smashing through the front doors of retail stores, more home burglaries and more muggings, especially in high-population cities where Obama's economic policies have the most devastating impact. Right now, Detroit is already a "war zone" where police warn visitors not to enter the city, and Chicago will soon join the ranks of cities where gangs run rampant, outnumbering police by a wide margin.
#9) Another radiological scare will erupt as Fukushima's fuel polls suffer continued structural failure
This is not a sure thing, but chances are that Fukushima's remaining structure will suffer a partial or total collapse within the next year, causing an unprecedented release of radiation that will reach U.S. shores.This could happen at any moment, technically, thanks to another earthquake or tsunami. Even a typhoon could cause sufficient damage to topple a large fuel containment pool. For some inexplicable reason, nuclear fuel pools are stored above ground in the Fukushima facility, making them highly susceptible to environmental damage.
#10) Massive government crackdowns on the free speech of anyone advocating liberty
Watch for free speech to be increasingly called "hate speech" when it criticizes the government or advocates liberty. Watch for renewed efforts to censor internet sites that advocate liberty and freedom. You may see Google removing such sites from its search engine. YouTube will get even more aggressive at banning videos that teach liberty, and the mainstream media will continue to pound propaganda into the minds of the mainstream zombies, teaching them that people who believe in liberty are somehow "terrorists."In fact, the next four years will be a tumultuous time for the free speech of those who criticize government and Obama. At the same time, the "free speech" of those who threaten conservatives with violence will be completely tolerated, if not encouraged. Even right now, it is publicly acceptable to make threats of violence against conservative white people, but never against liberal black people.
This double standard will get even worse over the next year or so, to the point where you'll see TV pundits and comedians like Bill Maher or Michael Moore openly advocating the arrest and killing of anyone who does not believe in Obammunism. The rhetoric of violence is just a preview of what's coming in the physical realm.
The NDAA, of course, gives Obama the "right" to pursue precisely those actions: No judge, no jury and not even a warrant required!
...Preventing the total economic destruction of America will now require...tens of millions of Americans march in the streets and demand an end to out-of-control government and all its evils. Yet, the U.S. government has designated the very act of marching in the streets as an "act of terrorism," so these protests would almost immediately escalate into a shooting war...The next four years are going to be like watching an economic train wreck in super-slow motion, augmented by bursts of police state activity, censorship clamp-downs and of course increased government confiscation of everything you own: Land, money and even formerly private companies...Prepare yourself.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
More on Prop. 37 - Not all votes counted yet - BUT "Yes on 37" refuse to challenge the (alleged) vote fraud
Did Prop 37 really lose or was it vote fraud?
Thursday, November 08, 2012 by: Jon Rappoport
Learn more:
(NaturalNews) Hold your horses.
On election night, not long after the polls closed in California, the announcement came out: Prop 37 was losing. A little while later, it was all over. 37 had gone down to defeat.
But is that the whole story? No.
As of 2:30PM today, Thursday, November 8th, two days after the election, many votes in California remain uncounted.
I tried to find out how many.
It turns out that the Secretary of State of CA, responsible for elections in the state, doesn't know.
I was told all counties in California have been asked, not ordered, to report in with those figures. It's voluntary.
So I picked out a few of the biggest counties and called their voter registrar offices. Here are the boggling results:
Santa Clara County: 180,000 votes remain uncounted.
Orange County: 241,336 votes remain uncounted.
San Diego County: 475,000 votes remain uncounted.
LA County: 782,658 votes remain uncounted.
In just those four counties, 1.6 million votes remain uncounted.
The California Secretary of State's website indicates that Prop 37 is behind by 559,776 votes.
So in the four counties I looked into, there are roughly three times as many uncounted votes as the margin of Prop 37's defeat.
And as I say, I checked the numbers in only four counties. There are 54 other counties in the state. Who knows how many votes they still need to process?
So why is anyone saying Prop 37 lost?
People will say, "Well, it's all about projections. There are experts. They know what they're doing. They made a prediction..."
Really? Who are those experts? I have yet to find them.
For big elections, the television networks rely on a private consortium called the National Election Pool (NEP). NEP does projections and predictions. Did NEP make the premature call on Prop 37? So far I see no evidence one way or the other.
NEP makes some calls for the television networks, but NEP is composed of CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, and AP. It could hardly be called an independent source of information for those networks.
NEP has AP (Associated Press) do the actual vote tabulating, and NEP also contracts work out to Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International to do exit polls and projections based on those polls.
Edison Media Research did the exit polls in the state of Washington for this election. How? They surveyed 1493 people by phone. Based on that, I assume they made all the projections for elections in that state, even though there is no in-person voting in Washington, and voters can submit their ballots by mail, postmarked no later than election Tuesday. So how could Edison know anything worth knowing or projecting on election night?
Both Edison Research and Mitofsky were involved in the 2004 election scandal (Kerry-Bush), in which their exit polls confounded network news anchors, because the poll results were so far off from the incoming vote-counts.
Edison and Mitofsky issued a later report explaining how the disparity could have occurred; they tried to validate their own exit-poll data and the vote-count, which was like explaining a sudden shift in ocean tides by saying clouds covered the moon. It made no sense.
So if NEP did the premature Prop 37 projections that handed 37 a resounding loss, there is little reason to accept their word.
We're faced with a scandal here. An early unwarranted projection against Prop 37 was made, when so many votes were still uncounted.
Those votes are still uncounted.
Why should we believe anything that comes next?
Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at
YES ON 37 CAMPAIGN REFUSES TO CHALLENGE VOTE FRAUD! by Jon RappoportNovember 10, Lying down on the road in front of a truck isn’t the best way to end a political campaign, but that’s what the YES ON 37 forces are doing. In an email sent out on Nov. 9, the PR people ...
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Is it possible that Prop. 37 really did WIN in the long-term??November 7, 2012

November 7, 2012
Dear Citizen for Health,
Prop 37 may not have won, but you, along with us, did!!!!!
Together we created a renewed nationwide movement that cannot be stopped!!!!
We put GMOs front and center on the national stage!!!!
Our coming together on this issue was a massive success, one that we can use to spread like wildfire in California and in every other state in the Union until we get a whole lot of state laws passed, or a national law, or both!!!!
A new movement has been created. Let's take advantage of this historic convergence!!!!
labels and advertising must tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth about the food we and our children eat.Stay tuned for more on the campaign to label GMOs and other issues of truth about food.
The Citizens for Health Team
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Wichita Won!!
Wichita Water Fluoridation
Yes …… 50890 / 40%
No …… 74788 / 59%
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to ALL those who worked AT and WITH WichitansOpposedtoFluoridation as well as all the other anti-fluoride groups!!!
And THANK YOU to ALL those who donated to this fight to have pure, clean water to drink!!
Yes …… 50890 / 40%
No …… 74788 / 59%
Read more here:
———————————————————————————————————-THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to ALL those who worked AT and WITH WichitansOpposedtoFluoridation as well as all the other anti-fluoride groups!!!
And THANK YOU to ALL those who donated to this fight to have pure, clean water to drink!!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Financial Info that could help future economic situations
We notice that the Suze Orman "financial freedom" post is still showing high views, and my staff got up to Step 4 out of the total 9 steps before getting involved in other postings.
We will be going back to finish the Suze Orman series, and then my staff has been assigned to find other financial facts that have been written by others with credibility.
Suggestions coming in so far have been "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," "Mark Skousen's 30-Day Plan to Financial Independence," and "Debt-Free on Any Income, includes easy-to-use CD-Rom."
Thank you for your views, and feel welcome to leave anonymous comments.
Kenneth M. Howard, Director
Abundant Living Information Services
We will be going back to finish the Suze Orman series, and then my staff has been assigned to find other financial facts that have been written by others with credibility.
Suggestions coming in so far have been "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," "Mark Skousen's 30-Day Plan to Financial Independence," and "Debt-Free on Any Income, includes easy-to-use CD-Rom."
Thank you for your views, and feel welcome to leave anonymous comments.
Kenneth M. Howard, Director
Abundant Living Information Services
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
California's Prop. 37 - Label GMO - Tv Ads Lying to Voters Paid by $41million from Monsanto - Telling Voters the Prop. 37 will "ban safe food" - Pro-GMO going after Anti-GMO with lies and discrediting -- WHAT HAPPENS in CA WILL GO NATIONWIDE
Breaking News Alert! Dr. Mercola Attacked by Biotech Bullies
October 31 2012 - Dr. Mercola
October 31 2012 - Dr. Mercola
Story at-a-glance
- The processed food and chemical companies have paid over $40 million to hide the science experiment that is genetically engineered foods. In mailers and online ads, they've bombarded voters with lies to shut down the American's right to know what they’re eating
- An aggressive attack on me (Dr. Mercola, the largest donator to Vote Yes on Prop. 37) was sent to millions of California voters
- Current polls show that the Yes On 37 campaign still narrowly leads in the polls 44 percent to 42 percent. But the chemical companies that dominate our food industry are buying votes by spreading lies costing tens of millions of dollars
- Now is the time for the final push to win the Right To Know Genetically Engineered Foods. Your donation is urgently needed
- If you live in California, vote YES for labeling them like over 50 other countries around the world, including Russia and China, have already done. If you know anyone who lives there, please urge them to cast their vote in support of labeling
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Politics in our Food

October 23, 2012
Dear Citizen for Health,
Halloween is approaching, and with it the challenge to maintain a healthy diet for our children. It's a time of year when nearly every family relaxes its restrictions on sweets, just a little, to enable kids to enjoy trick-or-treating. In order to do so in a measured, informed fashion, parents need to know what goes into the things their children consume.
This Halloween season, do your part to prevent the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) from "tricking" you about the "treats" that contain their processed additive, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Be vigilant - until we convince the FDA that product labels should be more forthcoming and note the concentration of HFCS therein, it takes some detective work to identify the threats lurking behind the package. For some advice on how to keep Halloween healthy - relatively - check out this post from blogger, Linda Bonvie.
Don't Let "Big Corn" Do What They Want At The Expense Of Consumers
We have been serving as the consumer watchdog responsible for telling fact from fiction as the CRA persists in its attempts to mislead the public about their artificial goop, HFCS.
What you can do:
We're gathering signatures through our project Food Identify Theft for a petition to US Food and Beverage companies urging them to reject the CRA's denial of consumer reality and say "NO" to HFCS. It will be delivered to the CEOs of the nation's largest food and beverage makers, grocery retailers and chain restaurants, as well as to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Please sign the petition here.
Linda Bonvie, blogger for Food Identity Theft and long-time CFH ally, has started her own petition to food and beverage manufacturers - please take a moment to sign that here.
Lastly, even though the FDA has "accepted" (note they did not use the term "approved") the CRA's claim that fructose concentrations in the HFCS found in foods within a range of 42-55% are "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS), the FDA specifically refused to recognize the safety of products containing more than 55% fructose. Data show that HFCS concentrations in many products, such as soft drinks, can be much higher - as much as 65% - and one company markets an HFCS additive that is 90% fructose according to the Chicago Tribune.
Regardless of the specific negative health impacts of HFCS in general, such concentrations of fructose are NOT generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA and are, therefore, even more troubling than HFCS55. That's why we've submitted a petition to the FDA advocating for labels clearly stating the concentration of fructose in any food item containing HFCS. We're also asking the FDA to take action against food sellers who use unapproved formulas of HFCS.
Please take a few moments to post comments directly to the FDA in support of our petition. You can do so here. (Please mention that you are a health-conscious food consumer. Let them know that you care about what you eat and that you require accurate information to make good decisions about your diet. If you have any professional connections to the food industry - science, administration, legal, labor, ANY - let the agency know. The FDA offers tips on commenting here).
Our goal: 100,000 signatures/comments from these three petitions. We can do it - with your help.
Take advantage of our new resources for spreading the word - click on any of the links below and share far and wide! Please also forward this alert to all those you know who want to control what they put into their bodies, and forgive us for any duplication or cross-posting of information you've already received as we continue to send alerts on this in coming weeks. We are working to cast as broad a net as possible to secure our signature/comment goal.
As always, thank you for your participation.
The Citizens for Health Team
Monday, October 22, 2012
Dr. Oz Show - Are GMO foods safe?
Dr. Oz hosts a debate about genetically modified foods. Do they cause cancer? Are there benefits to going GMO-free? Hear from both sides of this controversial issue. Plus, Dr. Oz explains how genetically modified food is made.
(Sorry, won't allow being embedded - go to weblink to watch the TV show, parts 1 and 2)
(Sorry, won't allow being embedded - go to weblink to watch the TV show, parts 1 and 2)
Monday, October 15, 2012
Psychology Professor vs. Philosophy Professor
During the mid 1990s two fascinating papers were presented in a publication called The Journal of Consciousness Studies.
The first was titled Conversations with Zombies, by Todd C. Moody, a Philosophy professor at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. The second was a direct response written by Charles T. Tart of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, entitled Yes, We Are Zombies, But We Can Become Conscious!
Both papers embrace the notion that consciousness, or our awareness of our own awareness, could be a phenomenon independent from or non-essential to the processes of the brain and the nervous system and associated behavior that stems from it.
In other words, we as humans are capable of living most of the time in a reduced state of consciousness akin to that of a zombie; a waking sleep. Both papers argue that there is a higher form of “superconsciousness” as Moody calls it, or an “expanded consciousness state” in Tart’s words.
Moody states:
In his conclusion, Tart urges the reader to “experiment with ‘awakening’” and warns that if we do not, we are doomed to a zombie existence:
Here are a few suggestions:
Food, Water, and Air - We are being bombarded with chemicals that are literally altering our brains and the way we interpret reality. Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ. Many additives and pesticides in food are toxins that shut down brain stimulation, leading to a general lack of concentration and apathy. Unlabeled GMO food has been proven to cause all manner of ailments in lab animals. No one quite knows why chemtrails are being sprayed in our skies, but the resulting heavy metals that we are breathing and that are entering the soil are directly affecting our brains.
Solutions: Eat organic, cut out fast foods, reject GMOs, educate others on the existence of chemtrail programs.
Drugs, Vaccines – Big pharmaceutical companies make money from getting us hooked on substances and medications that do not cure us from anything, but literally alter our brains. More than one quarter of U.S. children are on some form of mind-altering medication. Vaccines containing mercury based preservatives are being given to children and babies. Mercury is a deadly poison that accumulates in the brain.
Solution: Avoid anti-depressants, research natural remedies, educate others on the dangers of vaccines.
Television – TV induces a state of semi consciousness. It literally alters the state of the brain. In young children it inhibits development of social skills. See our piece on how TV is zombifying humanity.
Solutions: Turn it off! Reading and radio increase cognition and build neuron paths.
Education - Public schools promote systems of control and encourage subservience to those systems.
Solutions: Charlotte Iserbyt’s book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.
Media agendas, Propaganda placement – Perception of reality is shaped by a large extent by what you read and watch. The mainstream media is wholly owned by large corporations who have their own agendas, which do not incorporate your freedom of expression and critical thinking. The same big corporations own the large movie studios and TV companies. Propaganda placement and predictive programming is now an accepted part of programming and films.
Solution: Seek alternative media sources, expose media lies. Research predictive programming techniques and learn to recognise propaganda. Author Alan Watt has written extensively on the subject.
Bread and Circus – Everyone loves to watch the occasional football game. However, modern professional sports have become nothing more than big businesses promoting tribalism and division. They are riddled with corruption and serve only to distract from reality. When more people protest and riot over sports matters than they do over real issues, it indicates serious social zombification.
Solution: Engage in and support local sports (as opposed to national pro sports). Switch off. Refuse to pay huge amounts of money to watch major sports events.
Steve Watson is the London based writer...has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.
The first was titled Conversations with Zombies, by Todd C. Moody, a Philosophy professor at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. The second was a direct response written by Charles T. Tart of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, entitled Yes, We Are Zombies, But We Can Become Conscious!
Both papers embrace the notion that consciousness, or our awareness of our own awareness, could be a phenomenon independent from or non-essential to the processes of the brain and the nervous system and associated behavior that stems from it.
In other words, we as humans are capable of living most of the time in a reduced state of consciousness akin to that of a zombie; a waking sleep. Both papers argue that there is a higher form of “superconsciousness” as Moody calls it, or an “expanded consciousness state” in Tart’s words.
Moody states:
The `zombie problem’ is the problem of consciousness, stated in a particularly provocative way. Given any functional description of cognition, as detailed and complete as one can imagine, it will still make sense to suppose that there could be insentient beings that exemplify that description. That is, it is possible that there could be a behaviourally indiscernible but insentient simulacrum of a human cognizer: a zombie.Tart notes:
“Indeed, if conscious inessentialism is true, it is quite possible for an entire world of zombies to evolve… It is behaviours, after all, and not subjective states, that are subjected to evolutionary selection pressures. If those behaviours do not require consciousness, then evolution is indifferent to it.”
“Ordinary, ‘normal’ consciousness is indeed a zombie-like state of greatly constricted and distorted, if not absent, ‘consciousness’. I have given such ordinary consciousness the technical name of ‘consensus consciousness’ in the purely descriptive sense and ‘consensus trance’ when focusing on it as a restricted state.”While Moody concludes that we could all be zombies living only “to the power of Z”, and never fully experiencing a kind of “mystic” interaction with higher powers or God, Tart believes that it is possible to experience an “awakening”:
“I know from personal experience that there is a transient and perhaps permanent ‘awakening’ from consensus trance/consciousness, a clarification or lucidity, that is rewarding and adaptive in itself, as well as vividly illustrating the zombie-like qualities of ordinary consciousness.Tart argues that by focusing the mind on “the space between thoughts”, in the tradition of many Eastern enlightenment philosophies such as Sufism or Zen, one can “awaken” from this consensus trance and realise there is a greater consciousness potential:
People in this expanded consciousness state or process seem indeed to understand each other fairly well, even though what they communicate may sometimes seem ineffable to those in ordinary, zombie-like consciousness”
“I have now experienced the space between thoughts many times, that I can often produce and prolong that expanded consciousness state, to various degrees, at will, and that from within that kind of `spaciousness’, it is clear that my ordinary consciousness, where I live 99+% of my life, is indeed zombie-like. Yet in this state of zombie consciousness, which is `normal’ for our civilization, I am generally considered an intelligent, articulate and successful person.Tart posits that, much like when we awaken from a dream and realise that “the dream state was a quite inferior state of consciousness,” when we return from experiencing “that ‘space between thoughts’ or expanded consciousness” to our everyday state, we are able to realise that we are living a limited existence, and that we are “often suffering over ‘problems’ that [a]re not real,” problems that only exist by virtue of our constricted mental condition.
my ordinary state of consciousness is zombie-like in the general pejorative sense of the term. These zombie qualities include: (a) a greatly reduced sense of aliveness and vitality; (b) a great narrowing of perspective and perception; (c) a consuming psychological identification with some small subset of my full potential; (d) reduced intelligence stemming from this narrow perspective and identification; and (e) a selfishness, a self-centredness as compared to a more open and compassionate attention to the rest of reality.”
In his conclusion, Tart urges the reader to “experiment with ‘awakening’” and warns that if we do not, we are doomed to a zombie existence:
“I believe everyone has had at least fleeting moments of expanded consciousness, even if largely forgotten in the hectic rush of zombie lifeZ, and this commentary is to remind you of them and their importance. If we do not develop this wider perspective, we shall, in Moody’s terms, just have our zombie science of consciousnessZ, thoughtZ, feelingZ, hopeZ, fearZ, lifeZ and deathZ. Speaking from my occasional experiences of expanded consciousness, that would be sad indeed.”While Moody and Tart’s theorizing on the zombie existence is fascinating and enlightening, they do not delve into great detail regarding the origins of zombie consciousness. Specifically what is it that is restricting our mind potential? Without knowing this it's difficult to understand exactly how we break our zombie programming.
Here are a few suggestions:
Food, Water, and Air - We are being bombarded with chemicals that are literally altering our brains and the way we interpret reality. Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ. Many additives and pesticides in food are toxins that shut down brain stimulation, leading to a general lack of concentration and apathy. Unlabeled GMO food has been proven to cause all manner of ailments in lab animals. No one quite knows why chemtrails are being sprayed in our skies, but the resulting heavy metals that we are breathing and that are entering the soil are directly affecting our brains.
Solutions: Eat organic, cut out fast foods, reject GMOs, educate others on the existence of chemtrail programs.
Drugs, Vaccines – Big pharmaceutical companies make money from getting us hooked on substances and medications that do not cure us from anything, but literally alter our brains. More than one quarter of U.S. children are on some form of mind-altering medication. Vaccines containing mercury based preservatives are being given to children and babies. Mercury is a deadly poison that accumulates in the brain.
Solution: Avoid anti-depressants, research natural remedies, educate others on the dangers of vaccines.
Television – TV induces a state of semi consciousness. It literally alters the state of the brain. In young children it inhibits development of social skills. See our piece on how TV is zombifying humanity.
Solutions: Turn it off! Reading and radio increase cognition and build neuron paths.
Education - Public schools promote systems of control and encourage subservience to those systems.
Solutions: Charlotte Iserbyt’s book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.
Media agendas, Propaganda placement – Perception of reality is shaped by a large extent by what you read and watch. The mainstream media is wholly owned by large corporations who have their own agendas, which do not incorporate your freedom of expression and critical thinking. The same big corporations own the large movie studios and TV companies. Propaganda placement and predictive programming is now an accepted part of programming and films.
Solution: Seek alternative media sources, expose media lies. Research predictive programming techniques and learn to recognise propaganda. Author Alan Watt has written extensively on the subject.
Bread and Circus – Everyone loves to watch the occasional football game. However, modern professional sports have become nothing more than big businesses promoting tribalism and division. They are riddled with corruption and serve only to distract from reality. When more people protest and riot over sports matters than they do over real issues, it indicates serious social zombification.
Solution: Engage in and support local sports (as opposed to national pro sports). Switch off. Refuse to pay huge amounts of money to watch major sports events.
Steve Watson is the London based writer...has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.
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