Monday, July 16, 2012

Dr. Gary Null's Video on ObamaCare

"WAR ON HEALTH - The FDA's Cult of Tyranny"
Complete 2 hour film is posted below>>
by Gary Null, PhD., International Expert in Nutrition and Health Sciences
"New York City, June 15, 2012 - If you can't watch the whole video, you need to watch at least the first 30 minute talk of Gary Null.

"'War on Health' is the first documentary detailing and challenging the FDA agenda and its allegiance with the international Codex
Alimentarius, which hopes to establish a monolithic food and health regime. Betraying its founding mandate to assure drug, food and
chemical safety in the interests of public health, the FDA today is a repressive bureaucracy serving pharmaceutical and agricultural greed and profits. Vaccines, medical devices, prescription drugs are fast
tracked at alarming rates through the FDA at the expense of scientific oversight to assure their efficacy and safety. The result is hundreds of thousands of premature deaths annually from pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and medical devices and an epidemic of medical incompetence and fraud sanctioned by federal health officials.

"Featuring many pioneering American and European attorneys, physicians, medical researchers and advocates of health freedom, War on Health lifts the veil on FDA's militaristic operations against organic food providers and alternative physicians. The film's conclusion is
perfectly clear: the FDA is a tyrannical cult founded upon the denial of sound medical science with little intention to improve the nation's health and prevent disease."

Written and Directed by Gary Null
Produced by Valerie Van Cleve
Associate Producer: Richard Gale
Editor: Richie Williamson

Offline Editing: Valerie Van Cleve, L.A. Jones
Camera Operators: Marcello Coppuchino, Peter Bonilla, David Grier, L.A. Jones, Gregory Jason Russ, Jake Hammer Mesmire, Edson Tanakae, Valerie Van Cleve, Richie Williamson

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